audreyfeldroy / favicon-cheat-sheet

Obsessive cheat sheet to favicon sizes/types. Please contribute! (Note: this may be in flux as I learn new things about favicon best practices.)
MIT License
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Unclear copy #70

Open computersarecool opened 7 years ago

computersarecool commented 7 years ago

This guide writes:

Is it true that favicons should be in the site root? No, that's only if you don't explicitly specify the browser/device-specific tags with a favicon path. See

But the goes on to say:

If you don't have favicon.ico in the root consider adding one, or returning a HTTP 204 instead.

I find this confusing. Should there be a favicon in the root or not? Can this be clarified?

nathanhornby commented 7 years ago

Just replace the word 'should' in the first quote with 'must'.

MUST the favicon be in the root? No, but if it's not you'll need to tell the browser where it is or return an error code.