audreyt / ethercalc

Node.js port of Multi-user SocialCalc
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Are there cell standing 'sort' and 'unique' functions? #650

Open ArnimJenett opened 5 years ago

ArnimJenett commented 5 years ago

Hi Audrey, we are planning to move a google-spreadsheet-project into ethercalc. In this project we are using the google-functions=proper(...), =sort(...) and =unique(...) a lot for generating clean lists for the data validation ( which corresponds with ethercalc's =select() ) of the input fields. proper we found in ethercalc, but not the other two. Are there also equivalent functions for sort and unique already implemented in ethercalc, which we just didn't find or do we need to build these? If so, could you guide us, where to insert these into the code, please? Best, aRnim

Addendum: An example for the use of these functions (in google spreadsheets) can be accessed here:

eddyparkinson commented 5 years ago

All fomulas

All the formulas are in this file:

To list all formulas - use the browser javascript console and type SocialCalc.Formula.FunctionList But, I think all of them are in the help. (Fx button on ethercalc)

I don't think sort or unique exist as formulas. But sort is on the menu.

add a formula

To add a formula, from memory, you need to add 3 things: