audreyt / module-signature

Module signature file manipulation
16 stars 29 forks source link

Old SIGNATURE detected when installing #30

Closed pyramation closed 4 years ago

pyramation commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to install and I get this message, any pointers?

Running make for A/AU/AUDREYT/Module-Signature-0.86.tar.gz
cp lib/Module/ blib/lib/Module/
cp script/cpansign blib/script/cpansign
"/usr/bin/perl" "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/cpansign
Manifying 1 pod document
Manifying 1 pod document
  /usr/bin/make -- OK
Running make test for AUDREYT/Module-Signature-0.86.tar.gz
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/usr/bin/perl" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/0-signature.t .. skipped: Set the environment variable TEST_SIGNATURE to enable this test.
t/1-basic.t ...... ok
t/2-cygwin.t ..... skipped: Cygwin only tests

#   Failed test 'dir[t/test-datcrlf-signew]system[/usr/bin/perl -I../../lib/ ../../script/cpansign -v]ret[65280]out[]err[Old SIGNATURE detected. Please inform the module author to regenerate SIGNATURE using Module::Signature version 0.82 or newer.
# Use of uninitialized value $plaintext in string at /usr/local/share/perl5/site_perl/Crypt/RSA/ line 31.
# Cannot pack NaN with 'N' at /usr/local/share/perl5/site_perl/Crypt/OpenPGP/ line 32.
# ]diff[]'
#   at t/3-verify.t line 20.

#   Failed test 'dir[t/test-datcrlf-sigold]system[/usr/bin/perl -I../../lib/ ../../script/cpansign -v]ret[65280]out[]err[Old SIGNATURE detected. Please inform the module author to regenerate SIGNATURE using Module::Signature version 0.82 or newer.
# Use of uninitialized value $plaintext in string at /usr/local/share/perl5/site_perl/Crypt/RSA/ line 31.
# Cannot pack NaN with 'N' at /usr/local/share/perl5/site_perl/Crypt/OpenPGP/ line 32.
# ]diff[]'
#   at t/3-verify.t line 20.

#   Failed test 'dir[t/test-datlf-signew]system[/usr/bin/perl -I../../lib/ ../../script/cpansign -v]ret[65280]out[]err[Old SIGNATURE detected. Please inform the module author to regenerate SIGNATURE using Module::Signature version 0.82 or newer.
# Use of uninitialized value $plaintext in string at /usr/local/share/perl5/site_perl/Crypt/RSA/ line 31.
# Cannot pack NaN with 'N' at /usr/local/share/perl5/site_perl/Crypt/OpenPGP/ line 32.
# ]diff[]'
#   at t/3-verify.t line 20.

#   Failed test 'dir[t/test-datlf-sigold]system[/usr/bin/perl -I../../lib/ ../../script/cpansign -v]ret[65280]out[]err[Old SIGNATURE detected. Please inform the module author to regenerate SIGNATURE using Module::Signature version 0.82 or newer.
# Use of uninitialized value $plaintext in string at /usr/local/share/perl5/site_perl/Crypt/RSA/ line 31.
# Cannot pack NaN with 'N' at /usr/local/share/perl5/site_perl/Crypt/OpenPGP/ line 32.
# ]diff[]'
#   at t/3-verify.t line 20.

#   Failed test 'dir[t/test-datmix-signew]system[/usr/bin/perl -I../../lib/ ../../script/cpansign -v]ret[512]out[]err[Error verifying signature: Message hash does not match signature checkbytes
# ]diff[]'
#   at t/3-verify.t line 20.

#   Failed test 'dir[t/test-datmix-sigold]system[/usr/bin/perl -I../../lib/ ../../script/cpansign -v]ret[65280]out[]err[Old SIGNATURE detected. Please inform the module author to regenerate SIGNATURE using Module::Signature version 0.82 or newer.
# Error verifying signature: Message hash does not match signature checkbytes
# ]diff[]'
#   at t/3-verify.t line 20.
# Looks like you failed 6 tests of 6.
t/3-verify.t ..... 
Dubious, test returned 6 (wstat 1536, 0x600)
Failed 6/6 subtests 

Test Summary Report
t/3-verify.t   (Wstat: 1536 Tests: 6 Failed: 6)
  Failed tests:  1-6
  Non-zero exit status: 6
Files=4, Tests=8,  3 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.01 sys +  1.88 cusr  0.26 csys =  2.17 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 1/4 test programs. 6/8 subtests failed.
make: *** [Makefile:800: test_dynamic] Error 6
  /usr/bin/make test -- NOT OK
//hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try:
  reports AUDREYT/Module-Signature-0.86.tar.gz
The command '/bin/sh -c cpan DBD::Pg' returned a non-zero code: 1

To reproduce, here is how I was testing it if it helps:

FROM node:12.18.2-alpine3.11

ENV NODE_ENV=production
ENV PATH=$PATH:/home/launchql/bin
RUN mkdir -p /home/launchql/bin
RUN apk --no-cache add git
RUN apk add --no-cache bash
RUN apk add --no-cache make
RUN apk add --update alpine-sdk
RUN apk --no-cache add python

# install with gyp BS
RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .gyp python make g++ \
    && npm install @launchql/cli@0.5.5 --allow-root --unsafe-perm \
    && apk del .gyp

# add sqitch

RUN apk add --no-cache postgresql-dev

RUN apk add --no-cache g++ make perl-dev tzdata perl-dbd-pg && \
    cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtime && \
    echo UTC > /etc/timezone && \
    apk add --no-cache perl;

RUN cpan List::MoreUtils;
RUN cpan Crypt::Random
RUN cpan Crypt::OpenPGP
RUN cpan Text::Levenshtein::XS

# so far works till I'm right here... crashes during DBD:Pg
RUN cpan DBD::Pg
RUN cpan App::Sqitch

ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]
audreyt commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the report and especially for the Dockerfile.

This is now fixed in 0.87 by skipping that test in Crypt::OpenPGP installations.

The test should run and pass if you replace:

RUN cpan Crypt::OpenPGP


RUN apk add gnupg