Open rurban opened 9 years ago
Since I cannot rely on Par::Dist to add support for tar, this is the code I came up with:
if (@ARGV and -e $ARGV[-1]) {
my $file = $ARGV[-1];
require PAR::Dist;
if ($file =~ /\.tar\.gz$/) {
*PAR::Dist::_unzip = sub {
my %args = &PAR::Dist::_args;
my $dist = $args{'dist'};
my $path = $args{'path'} || File::Spec->curdir;
return unless -f $dist;
system "tar xfz $dist -C $path";
dist => $file,
$dwim ? () : (action => $cmd, @args)
but it is missing the extracted dir of the dist, which needs to be added to the tmpdir.
EUMM has broken distsignature rules with parallel make (see so it would be nice to easier check the generated tar.gz, not only .zip. Add tar.gz support to
Very often the generation of META.json is delayed, thus the SIGNATURE invalid.