audreyt / regex-genex

Given a list of regexes, generate all possible strings that matches all of them.
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Escape inside Oneof #6

Open uscitp-rongcuid opened 8 years ago

uscitp-rongcuid commented 8 years ago


If I have something like this: [\dabcd], the library does not generate correctly. Problem is probably here(marked as comment):

atchOne :: (?pat :: Pattern) => SChar -> SBool
matchOne cur = case ?pat of
    PChar {getPatternChar = ch} -> isChar ch
    PDot{} -> isDot
    PGroup Nothing p -> let ?pat = p in matchOne cur
    PAny {getPatternSet = pset} -> case pset of
        PatternSet (Just cset) _ _ _ -> oneOf $ toList cset
        _ -> error "TODO"
    PAnyNot {getPatternSet = pset} -> case pset of
        PatternSet (Just cset) _ _ _ -> noneOf $ toList cset
        _ -> error "TODO"
    PEscape {getPatternChar = ch} -> case ch of
        'n' -> isChar '\n'
        't' -> isChar '\t'
        'r' -> isChar '\r'
        'f' -> isChar '\f'
        'a' -> isChar '\a'
        'e' -> isChar '\ESC'
        'd' -> isDigit
        'w' -> isWordChar
        's' -> isWhiteSpace
        'W' -> (isDot &&& bnot isWordChar)
        'S' -> (isDot &&& bnot isWhiteSpace)
        'D' -> (isDot &&& bnot isDigit)
        _   -> isChar ch
    _ -> false
    ord = toEnum . Data.Char.ord
    isChar ch = cur .== ord ch
    isDot = (cur .>= ord ' ' &&& cur .<= ord '~')
    oneOf cs = bOr [ ord ch .== cur | ch <- cs ] -- <<< Here
    noneOf cs = bAnd ((cur .>= ord ' ') : (cur .<= ord '~') : [ ord ch ./= cur | ch <- cs ])
    isDigit = (ord '0' .<= cur &&& ord '9' .>= cur)
    isWordChar = (cur .>= ord 'A' &&& cur .<= ord 'Z')
             ||| (cur .>= ord 'a' &&& cur .<= ord 'z')
             ||| (cur .== ord '_')
    isWhiteSpace = cur .== 32 ||| (9 .<= cur &&& 13 .>= cur &&& 11 ./= cur)

Apparently the function does not account for escapes inside.

audreyt commented 8 years ago

Indeed. pull requests welcome!