augcog / OpenARK

OpenARK is an open-source wearable augmented reality (AR) system founded at UC Berkeley in 2016. The C++ based software offers innovative core functionalities to power a wide range of off-the-shelf AR components, including see-through glasses, depth cameras, and IMUs.
Apache License 2.0
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Access Violation for handAverager.addDataPoint #2

Closed monajalal closed 6 years ago

monajalal commented 7 years ago

Sometimes I get access violation for this line: cv::Vec3f handPos = handAverager.addDataPoint(objects[handObjectIndex].getHand().fingers_xyz[0]); acc This usually happens when my hand is not initially captured by the camera and I suddenly bring my hand in front of camera. Another screenshot: errrr {sampleFrequency=4 rejectionThreshold=0.10000000000000001 currentValue={...} ...} handpose: {val=0x00000038aafff2f0 {-0.0131008998, 0.000879988074, 0.304594696} }

sxyu commented 6 years ago

probably just needed to check that there was at least 1 finger, anyways no longer appears to be an issue.

monajalal commented 6 years ago

Hi Alex, I remember it happened in occurence of hand/fingers. What I remember is it also happened when hand moved fast or when the distance from camera changed so fast but still within scope. Thanks. Glad you fixed it.