auggernaut / Pipe

A simple tool for connecting meaningfully with one person a day from your social networks.
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Create about us page #7

Open DavidRagone opened 12 years ago

DavidRagone commented 12 years ago

I'm happy to write content for it and put it wherever we think makes sense.

auggernaut commented 12 years ago

That'd be great, work up a first draft and post it here.

DavidRagone commented 12 years ago

First draft. Let me know what you both think:

Pipe Origins

Pipe was born out of Singly's App Challenge weekend. In a 60 second pitch, Augustin Bralley described a simple tool that would tell you the one person from your social networks that you should contact today. Peter and David Ragone immediately recognized this ideas as an elegantly simple solution to the problem of overextended social networks, and joined Augustin to create the first version of the app.

Working throughout the weekend and getting little sleep, the team put together a working prototype: a responsive web-app that pulls data from the user's social networks via Singly's API and shows the user one person to contact right now. With the vision of enhancing the algorithm that selects that person, wrapping Pipe to work natively on iOS and Android in order to add push-notifications, and connecting to more social networks, the team is continuing to build Pipe.

We remain committed to the vision and simplicity of the idea that Augustin first shared, and aim to make Pipe the easy-to-use tool that helps you maintain strong relationships.


Augustin Bralley: Augustin moved to San Francisco at the end of 2011 to be a part of the evolution of the web. As a cofounder of Pipe, he is living that dream.

The idea for Pipe evolved out of Augustin's frustration with keeping in touch with all the amazing people he meets in San Francisco. He never felt so inadequate at keeping on top of who he meets, who to contact, and when.

Augustin leads Pipe's product development efforts, working with David and Peter to make the world a better connected place.

David Ragone: David is also a transplant to San Francisco. Growing up on the East Coast and living in 3 major metropolitan areas before moving out west, David has the pleasure of knowing many wonderful people who are now all over the globe. David loves working on Pipe because it solves a problem that he knows all too well: keeping in touch with all the awesome people he knows, no matter where they are or when he last talked to them.

David is at his core data-driven, and aims to gather all the data possible to allow the team to know what direction to take the product. He is excited to spread the word of Pipe and learn from potential customers what they value in the product.

Peter Ragone: Peter leads Pipe's technical development. A coder since the age of 12, he is always a tinkerer and explorer, and is at his best when exploring new technologies. Peter takes the user insights from David and the product vision from Augustin and turns it into reality, always at breakneck speed.

Peter is excited to follow in his brother's footsteps as he plans his move from New York City to San Francisco.