Closed BlackFan closed 3 years ago
Same problem in
The API docs say "The markers in the list should be in sequence and not overlapping."
I think in this instance you have two rules that both match the same chunk of the response and thus overlap. This could be causing an issue internally in the Burp API resulting in neither highlight being shown.
You mentioned that no issue is created, but does your matched string show up in the Software Versions Discovered component on the extension's Versions tab?
You mentioned that no issue is created, but does your matched string show up in the Software Versions Discovered component on the extension's Versions tab?
Yes, everything is displayed correctly there.
And now the error is displayed in the log. Although when I started analyzing the problem with creating an Issue in Burp, I was sure that the error log was empty. Maybe I was wrong.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid offsets: the list should be in sequence and offsets should not overlap.
at burp.hy0.addScanIssue(Unknown Source)
Nevertheless, it might be worth adding some kind of check to the Extensions. I use the extension to search for vulnerable js libraries and for this I generate regular expressions based on a random piece of code from this library. With a large number of rules, it is very difficult to control so that the markers do not overlap.
When adding a large number of rules, the intersection of highlight markers is possible in the issue. In this case, Burp does not create an issue and does not display an error about it, and the extension may lose results.
For example, you can make the following rules
Together they do not create an issue, but if you delete one of them, everything works correctly.