aunefyren / wrapperr

Website based application that summarizes Plex statistics from a given period and displays it in a nice format. Similar to the Spotify Wrapped concept.
327 stars 22 forks source link

Wrapper stuck in loading loop #51

Closed SluggishWorm closed 1 year ago

SluggishWorm commented 1 year ago

Had the app installed on unraid xmas last year and loved it. Have redownloaded this year, and the webui is stuck on the spinning hourglass with a "loading" underneath, docker logs say "Starting Wrapperr on port: 8282." Installed on unraid. Only one thing in dev tools on browser looks off to me but im also no web developer image

aunefyren commented 1 year ago

Hey, thanks for reaching out.

The 500 HTTP response does indicate something is wrong on the backend but it doesn't really say what is wrong. Are you able to check the config/wrapperr.log file?

SluggishWorm commented 1 year ago

I havent made any changes, from my recollection last year you singed in, and it gathered all the ips etc itself and you pasted in the api keys etc { "tautulli_config": [ { "tautulli_apikey": "", "tautulli_ip": "", "tautulli_port": 80, "tautulli_length": 5000, "tautulli_root": "", "tautulli_libraries": "", "tautulli_grouping": false, "tautulli_https": false, "tautulli_name": "" } ], "wrapperr_customize": { "wrapperr_front_page_title": "Did you get that thing from Spotify and wondered what your Plex statistics looked like?", "wrapperr_front_page_subtitle": "Well, have a look...", "stats_intro_title": "Hey there, {user}!", "stats_intro_subtitle": "New year, new page of statistics. 2022 let's go...", "stats_outro_title": "Hope you are staying safe!", "stats_outro_subtitle": "Goodbye.", "stats_order_by_plays": false, "stats_order_by_duration": true, "stats_top_list_length": 0, "get_user_movie_stats": false, "get_user_movie_stats_title": "Movies!", "get_user_movie_stats_subtitle": "You watched {movie_count} movies. That's a lot of movies!", "get_user_movie_stats_subsubtitle": "(or not, I am pre-programmed to say that)", "get_user_movie_stats_subtitle_one": "You watched one movie. You know what you like!", "get_user_movie_stats_subsubtitle_one": "(at least you tried it out)", "get_user_movie_stats_subtitle_none": "You watched no movies. That's impressive in itself!", "get_user_movie_stats_subsubtitle_none": "(might wanna try it)", "get_user_movie_stats_top_movie": "Your movie", "get_user_movie_stats_top_movie_plural": "Your top movies", "get_user_movie_stats_movie_completion_title": "You saw {movie_finish_percent}% of the movie!", "get_user_movie_stats_movie_completion_title_plural": "Your average movie finishing percentage was {movie_finish_percent}%!", "get_user_movie_stats_movie_completion_subtitle": "You're not watching the credits like a nerd, are you?", "get_user_movie_stats_pause_title": "Your longest movie pause was watching {movie_title}.", "get_user_movie_stats_pause_subtitle": "It was paused for {pause_duration}...", "get_user_movie_stats_pause_title_one": "One movie, but you still had to pause it.", "get_user_movie_stats_pause_subtitle_one": "It was paused for {pause_duration}...", "get_user_movie_stats_pause_title_none": "Bladder of steel!", "get_user_movie_stats_pause_subtitle_none": "You never paused a single movie.", "get_user_movie_stats_oldest_title": "The oldest movie you watched was {movie_title}.", "get_user_movie_stats_oldest_subtitle": "Enjoying the classics, huh?", "get_user_movie_stats_oldest_subtitle_pre_1950": "I didn't even know they made movies back then...", "get_user_movie_stats_oldest_subtitle_pre_1975": "Did it even have color?", "get_user_movie_stats_oldest_subtitle_pre_2000": "Was it a 4K, UHD, 3D, Dolby Atmos remaster?", "get_user_movie_stats_spent_title": "You spent {movie_sum_duration} watching movies.", "get_user_show_stats": false, "get_user_show_stats_buddy": false, "get_user_show_stats_title": "Shows!", "get_user_show_stats_subtitle": "You watched {show_count} different shows.", "get_user_show_stats_subsubtitle": "(no, watching The Office twice doesn't count as two shows)", "get_user_show_stats_subtitle_one": "You watched one show.", "get_user_show_stats_subsubtitle_one": "(better not be that same one again...)", "get_user_show_stats_subtitle_none": "You watched 0 shows. I get it, it's not for everyone!", "get_user_show_stats_subsubtitle_none": "(might wanna try it)", "get_user_show_stats_top_show": "Your show", "get_user_show_stats_top_show_plural": "Your top shows", "get_user_show_stats_spent_title": "You spent {show_sum_duration} watching shows.", "get_user_show_stats_most_played_title": "You really liked the episode {show_episode} from {show_title}.", "get_user_show_stats_most_played_subtitle": "It recieved {episode_play_sum} and was endured for {episode_duration_sum}.", "get_user_show_stats_buddy_title": "Your top show was {top_show_title}. And you're not alone! Your {top_show_title}-buddy is {buddy_username}!", "get_user_show_stats_buddy_subtitle": "Your combined efforts resulted in {buddy_duration_sum} of {top_show_title}!", "get_user_show_stats_buddy_title_none": "Your top show was {top_show_title}.", "get_user_show_stats_buddy_subtitle_none": "That means you dared to explore where no one else would, as you are the only viewer of that show. Spread the word!", "get_user_music_stats": false, "get_user_music_stats_title": "Music!", "get_user_music_stats_subtitle": "You listened to {track_count} different tracks.", "get_user_music_stats_subsubtitle": "(if you can call your taste \"music\"...)", "get_user_music_stats_subtitle_one": "You listened to one track.", "get_user_music_stats_subsubtitle_one": "(whatever floats your boat...)", "get_user_music_stats_subtitle_none": "You listened to 0 tracks. No speakers, huh?", "get_user_music_stats_subsubtitle_none": "(might wanna try it)", "get_user_music_stats_top_track": "Your track", "get_user_music_stats_top_track_plural": "Your top tracks", "get_user_music_stats_top_album_plural": "Your top albums", "get_user_music_stats_top_artist_plural": "Your top artists", "get_user_music_stats_spent_title": "You spent {music_sum_duration} listening to music.", "get_user_music_stats_spent_subtitle": "That is {music_sum_minutes} minutes!", "get_user_music_stats_oldest_album_title": "The oldest album you listened to was {album_title} by {album_artist}.", "get_user_music_stats_oldest_album_subtitle": "How about a copy on vinyl?", "get_year_stats_title": "Server-wide statistics!", "get_year_stats_subtitle": "It's okay to feel shame if you see yourself on the list.", "get_year_stats_subsubtitle": "(or if you don't...)", "get_year_stats_movies": false, "get_year_stats_movies_title": "Top movies", "get_year_stats_shows": false, "get_year_stats_shows_title": "Top shows", "get_year_stats_music": false, "get_year_stats_music_title": "Top artists", "get_year_stats_leaderboard": false, "get_year_stats_leaderboard_numbers": false, "get_year_stats_leaderboard_title": "Top users", "get_year_stats_movies_duration_title": "All users combined spent {movie_duration_sum} watching movies.", "get_year_stats_shows_duration_title": "All users combined spent {show_duration_sum} watching shows.", "get_year_stats_music_duration_title": "All users combined spent {music_duration_sum} listening to music.", "get_year_stats_duration_sum_title": "That is {all_duration_sum} of content!", "wrapperr_and": "and", "wrapperr_play": "play", "wrapperr_play_plural": "plays", "wrapperr_day": "day", "wrapperr_day_plural": "days", "wrapperr_hour": "hour", "wrapperr_hour_plural": "hours", "wrapperr_minute": "minute", "wrapperr_minute_plural": "minutes", "wrapperr_second": "second", "wrapperr_second_plural": "seconds", "wrapperr_sort_plays": "Sort by plays", "wrapperr_sort_duration": "Sort by duration" }, "wrapperr_version": "v3.1.1", "timezone": "Australia/Perth", "application_name": "Wrapperr", "application_url": "", "use_cache": true, "use_logs": true, "client_key": "98754d2e-c38b-474e-a7cf-b460fcb8b25a", "wrapperr_root": "", "private_key": "6b810734-c0bc-4ccc-b650-37fd4c838efc", "create_share_links": true, "wrapped_start": 1608850800, "wrapped_end": 1640991540, "wrapperr_port": 8282, "plex_auth": false, "winter_theme": false }

SluggishWorm commented 1 year ago

it would appear some old files from a previous version were hanging about. I completely wiped the docker and its now working as expected.