Open dewmguy opened 11 months ago
I see on the bottom that it tried to contact //api...
. Can you give a redacted version of your config.json
i'm not sure there's any data in here worth redacting but here you go
"tautulli_config": [
"tautulli_apikey": "",
"tautulli_ip": "",
"tautulli_port": 80,
"tautulli_length": 5000,
"tautulli_root": "",
"tautulli_libraries": "",
"tautulli_grouping": true,
"tautulli_https": false,
"tautulli_name": ""
"wrapperr_customize": {
"wrapperr_front_page_title": "Did you get that thing from Spotify and wondered what your Plex statistics looked like?",
"wrapperr_front_page_subtitle": "Well, have a look...",
"stats_intro_title": "Hey there, {user}!",
"stats_intro_subtitle": "New year, new page of statistics. 2022 let's go...",
"stats_outro_title": "Hope you are staying safe!",
"stats_outro_subtitle": "Goodbye.",
"stats_order_by_plays": true,
"stats_order_by_duration": true,
"stats_top_list_length": 10,
"obfuscate_other_users": true,
"get_user_movie_stats": true,
"get_user_movie_stats_title": "Movies!",
"get_user_movie_stats_subtitle": "You watched {movie_count} movies. That's a lot of movies!",
"get_user_movie_stats_subsubtitle": "(or not, I am pre-programmed to say that)",
"get_user_movie_stats_subtitle_one": "You watched one movie. You know what you like!",
"get_user_movie_stats_subsubtitle_one": "(at least you tried it out)",
"get_user_movie_stats_subtitle_none": "You watched no movies. That's impressive in itself!",
"get_user_movie_stats_subsubtitle_none": "(might wanna try it)",
"get_user_movie_stats_top_movie": "Your movie",
"get_user_movie_stats_top_movie_plural": "Your top movies",
"get_user_movie_stats_movie_completion_title": "You saw {movie_finish_percent}% of the movie!",
"get_user_movie_stats_movie_completion_title_plural": "Your average movie finishing percentage was {movie_finish_percent}%!",
"get_user_movie_stats_movie_completion_subtitle": "You're not watching the credits like a nerd, are you?",
"get_user_movie_stats_pause_title": "Your longest movie pause was watching {movie_title}.",
"get_user_movie_stats_pause_subtitle": "It was paused for {pause_duration}...",
"get_user_movie_stats_pause_title_one": "One movie, but you still had to pause it.",
"get_user_movie_stats_pause_subtitle_one": "It was paused for {pause_duration}...",
"get_user_movie_stats_pause_title_none": "Bladder of steel!",
"get_user_movie_stats_pause_subtitle_none": "You never paused a single movie.",
"get_user_movie_stats_oldest_title": "The oldest movie you watched was {movie_title}.",
"get_user_movie_stats_oldest_subtitle": "Enjoying the classics, huh?",
"get_user_movie_stats_oldest_subtitle_pre_1950": "I didn't even know they made movies back then...",
"get_user_movie_stats_oldest_subtitle_pre_1975": "Did it even have color?",
"get_user_movie_stats_oldest_subtitle_pre_2000": "Was it a 4K, UHD, 3D, Dolby Atmos remaster?",
"get_user_movie_stats_spent_title": "You spent {movie_sum_duration} watching movies.",
"get_user_show_stats": true,
"get_user_show_stats_buddy": true,
"get_user_show_stats_title": "Shows!",
"get_user_show_stats_subtitle": "You watched {show_count} different shows.",
"get_user_show_stats_subsubtitle": "(no, watching The Office twice doesn't count as two shows)",
"get_user_show_stats_subtitle_one": "You watched one show.",
"get_user_show_stats_subsubtitle_one": "(better not be that same one again...)",
"get_user_show_stats_subtitle_none": "You watched 0 shows. I get it, it's not for everyone!",
"get_user_show_stats_subsubtitle_none": "(might wanna try it)",
"get_user_show_stats_top_show": "Your show",
"get_user_show_stats_top_show_plural": "Your top shows",
"get_user_show_stats_spent_title": "You spent {show_sum_duration} watching shows.",
"get_user_show_stats_most_played_title": "You really liked the episode {show_episode} from {show_title}.",
"get_user_show_stats_most_played_subtitle": "It recieved {episode_play_sum} and was endured for {episode_duration_sum}.",
"get_user_show_stats_buddy_title": "Your top show was {top_show_title}. And you're not alone! Your {top_show_title}-buddy is {buddy_username}!",
"get_user_show_stats_buddy_subtitle": "Your combined efforts resulted in {buddy_duration_sum} of {top_show_title}!",
"get_user_show_stats_buddy_title_none": "Your top show was {top_show_title}.",
"get_user_show_stats_buddy_subtitle_none": "That means you dared to explore where no one else would, as you are the only viewer of that show. Spread the word!",
"get_user_music_stats": true,
"get_user_music_stats_title": "Music!",
"get_user_music_stats_subtitle": "You listened to {track_count} different tracks.",
"get_user_music_stats_subsubtitle": "(if you can call your taste \"music\"...)",
"get_user_music_stats_subtitle_one": "You listened to one track.",
"get_user_music_stats_subsubtitle_one": "(whatever floats your boat...)",
"get_user_music_stats_subtitle_none": "You listened to 0 tracks. No speakers, huh?",
"get_user_music_stats_subsubtitle_none": "(might wanna try it)",
"get_user_music_stats_top_track": "Your track",
"get_user_music_stats_top_track_plural": "Your top tracks",
"get_user_music_stats_top_album_plural": "Your top albums",
"get_user_music_stats_top_artist_plural": "Your top artists",
"get_user_music_stats_spent_title": "You spent {music_sum_duration} listening to music.",
"get_user_music_stats_spent_subtitle": "That is {music_sum_minutes} minutes!",
"get_user_music_stats_oldest_album_title": "The oldest album you listened to was {album_title} by {album_artist}.",
"get_user_music_stats_oldest_album_subtitle": "How about a copy on vinyl?",
"get_year_stats_title": "Server-wide statistics!",
"get_year_stats_subtitle": "It's okay to feel shame if you see yourself on the list.",
"get_year_stats_subsubtitle": "(or if you don't...)",
"get_year_stats_movies": true,
"get_year_stats_movies_title": "Top movies",
"get_year_stats_shows": true,
"get_year_stats_shows_title": "Top shows",
"get_year_stats_music": true,
"get_year_stats_music_title": "Top artists",
"get_year_stats_leaderboard": true,
"get_year_stats_leaderboard_numbers": false,
"get_year_stats_leaderboard_title": "Top users",
"get_year_stats_movies_duration_title": "All users combined spent {movie_duration_sum} watching movies.",
"get_year_stats_shows_duration_title": "All users combined spent {show_duration_sum} watching shows.",
"get_year_stats_music_duration_title": "All users combined spent {music_duration_sum} listening to music.",
"get_year_stats_duration_sum_title": "That is {all_duration_sum} of content!",
"wrapperr_and": "and",
"wrapperr_play": "play",
"wrapperr_play_plural": "plays",
"wrapperr_day": "day",
"wrapperr_day_plural": "days",
"wrapperr_hour": "hour",
"wrapperr_hour_plural": "hours",
"wrapperr_minute": "minute",
"wrapperr_minute_plural": "minutes",
"wrapperr_second": "second",
"wrapperr_second_plural": "seconds",
"wrapperr_sort_plays": "Sort by plays",
"wrapperr_sort_duration": "Sort by duration"
"wrapperr_version": "v3.2.2",
"timezone": "",
"application_name": "Wrapperr",
"application_url": "",
"use_cache": true,
"use_logs": true,
"client_key": "e5c53df6-f8ee-4930-bc07",
"wrapperr_root": "",
"private_key": "ca5f9984-482f-4fed-aa5f",
"create_share_links": true,
"wrapped_start": 1672527600,
"wrapped_end": 1704063540,
"wrapperr_port": 8282,
"plex_auth": true,
"basic_auth": false,
"winter_theme": true
I am not able to replicate this on Windows or Ubuntu. Are you using some type of reverse proxy to reach the front end?
I know this thread is stale but I am coming up with the same error and yes only when I try via a reverse proxy. Locally it works fine. I've tried modifying some of the settings especially Wrapperr URL and URL Base. Not 100% sure what should go there. Local URL or public URL or something else? Using the Docker version if it matters. Thank you.
I downloaded the release, uploaded it to my user directory, modified wrapperr to allow execute, and i get this in console:
and web app only gives me this: