aunefyren / wrapperr

Website based application that summarizes Plex statistics from a given period and displays it in a nice format. Similar to the Spotify Wrapped concept.
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Average movie finishing percentage #95

Open modem opened 3 months ago

modem commented 3 months ago


I'm wondering how it the average movie finishing percentage calculated. In my statistics, it says my average movie finishing percentage is 74.36%. Although I usually don't see the end credits, it's difficult to believe they account to 25% of the total movie duration... If we consider an average of 10 minutes for the end credits, on a 2h movie, it accounts to around 8%, pretty far from the 25% shown.

aunefyren commented 3 months ago


Wrapperr uses the watch-finish percentage given by Tautulli on watch history. This means you are subject to Tautulli's accuracy and Wrapper's. Wrapperr does filter out movie viewings at less than 300 seconds, but this does not hit every edge case. You could be watching a cool scene in a movie and this activity might be counted within the wrap up in Wrapperr.

Wrapperr also does a simple average division to find this percentage, which is vulnerable to outliers. Any activity which largely differs from your normal activity would skew the percentage noticeably. It could be that a median calculation would be a better data point.

Hope this answers your questions!

modem commented 3 months ago

Well, it explains the differences. From my understanding, it counts all views as a complete view. In cases when I don't watch movies in 1 shot (meaning I stop and resume later), it treats each part as 1 view. For example, if I watch a 2h movie, and I watch it in 2 times, around 1h each time , the percentage will be around 75% ((50% + ~100%)/2). This is far from accurate, and it is wrong statistically speaking.

aunefyren commented 3 months ago

Very true. If you enable 'Tautulli grouping' in the Wrapperr settings, this does improve split viewings, but sessions spanning more than one day will not be grouped unfortunately.

modem commented 3 months ago

I had it enabled, but maybe it's not working as expected. I tried it disabled and the average finishing percentage is the same as when I have it enabled.