Hi there!
There's a setting in the extension called "Disable when a window is near", inside the panel section, which disables the panel blur when a window is maximized or touches the panel.
That option works except on one particular situation:
When you are in a workspace with no windows (or with windows that are NOT touching the panel) > open the activities overview > switch to a workspace with a maximized window or with a window touching the panel.
The panel will stay blurry, even though it is not supposed to be like that.
Here's a video showing an example of what I'm trying to say:
Hi there! There's a setting in the extension called "Disable when a window is near", inside the panel section, which disables the panel blur when a window is maximized or touches the panel.
That option works except on one particular situation: When you are in a workspace with no windows (or with windows that are NOT touching the panel) > open the activities overview > switch to a workspace with a maximized window or with a window touching the panel.
The panel will stay blurry, even though it is not supposed to be like that. Here's a video showing an example of what I'm trying to say: Kooha-07-01-2022-23-35-10.webm