Cập nhật trường thông tin Details theo format trong trang thông tin chi tiết của Proposal:
Ví dụ: https://www.mintscan.io/cosmos/proposals/74string description:
"# Make the Cosmos Hub the main sponsor of HackATOM Seoul 2022\r\n\r\n## Summary\r\nWe are requesting 37500 ATOM from the Cosmos Hub Community Pool to make the Hub the main sponsor of the event and cover the prizes of the HackATOM Seoul challenges.\r\n\r\n## Details\r\nThis is a community spend proposal to fund the prizes of the three main challenges that are part of the upcoming HackATOM in Seoul. Previous HackATOMs have demonstrated to directly benefit the Cosmos ecosystem and the Cosmos Hub by enabling the creation of innovative projects that spin off into successful products (e.g. CosmWasm, Osmosis, and many more)\r\n\r\nWe are requesting 37500 ATOM that will be sent to a multisig maintained by a committee that consists of:\r\n\r\n Zaki Manian | Co-Founder Sommelier\r\n Jelena Djuric | Interchain Security Product Manager & Marketing Lead at Informal Systems\r\n* Marko Baricevic | Cosmos SDK Product Lead at Interchain\r\n\r\nThe multisig committee agrees to send the prices to the winners no later than 15 days after the event (August 14 at 8 UTC). In case some challenges do not have a clear winner, any surplus will be returned to the Cosmos Hub Community Pool.\r\n\r\nThe full text of the proposal with all details and a FAQ can be found here: https://forum.cosmos.network/t/proposal-signaling-proposal-hackatom-seoul-2022/6799\r\n\r\nOfficial event announcement is here: https://blog.cosmos.network/announcing-cosmoss-hackatom-seoul-b6858b9beac7\r\n\r\nIPFS pin here: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmQQiy53cDBcXySEHCoS6SLLY9Z5RZkbfafdnk24vLVKPp\r\n\r\nVote:\r\n\r\n- By voting YES you agree that the Cosmos Hub should allocate 37500 ATOM to fund the primary prices of HackATOM Seoul 2022.\r\n- By Voting NO you are letting the community know you do not believe the Cosmos Hub should fund this event.\r\n- By voting ABSTAIN, you formally decline to vote either for or against the proposal.\r\n- By voting NOWITHVETO you express that you consider this proposal malicious or harmful for the Cosmos Hub and you would like to see depositors penalized by revocation of the 64 ATOM deposit, which contributes towards an automatic 1/3 veto threshold.\r\n"
Cập nhật trường thông tin Details theo format trong trang thông tin chi tiết của Proposal: Ví dụ: https://www.mintscan.io/cosmos/proposals/74 string description: "# Make the Cosmos Hub the main sponsor of HackATOM Seoul 2022\r\n\r\n## Summary\r\nWe are requesting 37500 ATOM from the Cosmos Hub Community Pool to make the Hub the main sponsor of the event and cover the prizes of the HackATOM Seoul challenges.\r\n\r\n## Details\r\nThis is a community spend proposal to fund the prizes of the three main challenges that are part of the upcoming HackATOM in Seoul. Previous HackATOMs have demonstrated to directly benefit the Cosmos ecosystem and the Cosmos Hub by enabling the creation of innovative projects that spin off into successful products (e.g. CosmWasm, Osmosis, and many more)\r\n\r\nWe are requesting 37500 ATOM that will be sent to a multisig maintained by a committee that consists of:\r\n\r\n Zaki Manian | Co-Founder Sommelier\r\n Jelena Djuric | Interchain Security Product Manager & Marketing Lead at Informal Systems\r\n* Marko Baricevic | Cosmos SDK Product Lead at Interchain\r\n\r\nThe multisig committee agrees to send the prices to the winners no later than 15 days after the event (August 14 at 8 UTC). In case some challenges do not have a clear winner, any surplus will be returned to the Cosmos Hub Community Pool.\r\n\r\nThe full text of the proposal with all details and a FAQ can be found here: https://forum.cosmos.network/t/proposal-signaling-proposal-hackatom-seoul-2022/6799\r\n\r\nOfficial event announcement is here: https://blog.cosmos.network/announcing-cosmoss-hackatom-seoul-b6858b9beac7\r\n\r\nIPFS pin here: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmQQiy53cDBcXySEHCoS6SLLY9Z5RZkbfafdnk24vLVKPp\r\n\r\nVote:\r\n\r\n- By voting YES you agree that the Cosmos Hub should allocate 37500 ATOM to fund the primary prices of HackATOM Seoul 2022.\r\n- By Voting NO you are letting the community know you do not believe the Cosmos Hub should fund this event.\r\n- By voting ABSTAIN, you formally decline to vote either for or against the proposal.\r\n- By voting NOWITHVETO you express that you consider this proposal malicious or harmful for the Cosmos Hub and you would like to see depositors penalized by revocation of the 64 ATOM deposit, which contributes towards an automatic 1/3 veto threshold.\r\n"
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