auraphp / Aura.Filter

Validate and sanitize arrays and objects.
MIT License
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Documented missing replacement argument of `regex` sanitizer #128

Closed Rayne closed 7 years ago

pmjones commented 7 years ago

Nice! You have any more coming? If so, I can batch them into the same release (I have some time available today/tomorrow).

Rayne commented 7 years ago

I just finished reading the whole documentation and this was the only issue I found.

harikt commented 7 years ago

@pmjones is there any reason you did not merge this? If not we can merge / fix the documentation issue.

pmjones commented 7 years ago

Oh good grief, I thought I had merged it. Will do so and do another release. Thanks!

harikt commented 7 years ago

Wait another PR waiting before the release :) .

pmjones commented 7 years ago

Thank God for @harikt