aurelia-toolbelt / vNext

The vNext of Aurelia-Toolbelt which is on top of Aurelia 2.
1 stars 0 forks source link

Checklist #1

Closed HamedFathi closed 3 years ago

HamedFathi commented 4 years ago


.tooltip .arrow { display: none; }

- [ ] Use Bootstrap v5 [Offcanvas]( to make a `BottomSheet`

/ class="offcanvas offcanvas-bottom show offcanvas-bottom-sheet" /

.offcanvas-bottom-sheet { width: 30%; margin: 0 auto; }


- [ ] Add namespace for components like

Card Card.Header Card.Body

Accordion Accordion.Toggle Accordion.Collapse

- [ ] Categories (We don't support BSv4 and jQuery)
   * core
   * ~~bootstrap-v4-core~~
   * bootstrap-v5-core
   * ~~bootstrap-v4~~
   * bootstrap-v5
   * ~~bootstrap-v4-plus~~
   * bootstrap-v5-plus
   * ~~jquery~~
   * vanilla
   * custom-attributes
   * template-controllers
   * binding-behaviors
   * services
   * value-converters
   * persian-value-converters
   * dashboard
   * dashboard-cli
   * interactive-form-designer (drag & drop)
   * ts-utils
   * persian-ts-utils
   * polyfills
   * js-dependencies

## Components

* This section points to component changes.
* All components should possibly **assign value by a data source** for JSON-based form generators.

- [ ] Convert all Bootstrap 4.5+ functionality like [Vue Bootstrap 4]( and [React Bootstrap 4]( + Gradient Progress Bar + Count down alert + Bottom Sheet Modal + Promise Buttons + Link preview + [TableFor](
- [x] Add [Wave effect]( to components or [CSS ripple effect]( or [JS/CSS Ripple Effect]( It should be optional. (Custom attribute & High-order component)
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap Input with (left/right) side icon](
- [ ] ~~Add [Modal Bottom Sheet Fullwidth](
- [ ] Add [Popup Horizontal/Vertical Toolbar]( like [Toolbar.Js](
- [ ] Add [Navbar Menu]( (Click and Hover)
- [ ] Add [Mega Menu]( (Click and Hover) like [Navbar4]( or [Mega Menu with hover]( or [Mega Dropdown Menu Navbar]( or [Simple Bootstrap 4 Mega Menu](
- [ ] Add [Float Label]( or [Floating Placeholders]( or [float-labels.js]( or [Bootstrap Floating label]( It should be optional. (Custom attribute & High-order component)
- [ ] Add [Tokenize](
- [ ] Add [Nanobar]( with `HTTP interceptor`
- [ ] Add [Input Spinner](
- [ ] Add [imaskjs](
- [ ] Add [Fuse.js]( like [Angular fuse.js]( and [ng2-fuse](
- [ ] Add [jQuery LoadingOverlay]( or [GPU Loading Overlay](
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap 4 Toggle]( with [forbidden cursor]( in disable mode
- [ ] Add [Divided]( that supports `horizontal` and `vertical` alignment
- [ ] Add [Boostrap Task Board]( or [Bootstrap Kanban Board]( or [Bootstrap Project List]( or [Boostrap Project Grid](
- [ ] Add [Price Table](
- [ ] Add [Price Tag](
- [ ] Add [keypad]( like [jQuery Keypad]( It should be integrated with the `Password` component.
- [ ] Add [dPassword]( or [YouShallPass](
- [ ] Add [Spin kit]( as a component like [ng-spin-kit](
- [ ] Add [QRCode.js](
- [ ] Add [Navbar Toggle Animations]( with [Hamburgers ](
- [ ] Add [tui.editor](
- [ ] Add [jsPanel4]( with Bootstrap 4 Theme.
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap Select](  or [Slim Select]( or [Choices.js]( with [bootstrap4c-chosen]( theme.
- [ ] Add [Dropzone]( with [bootstrap4c-dropzone]( theme.
- [ ] Add [Split.js](
- [ ] ~~Add [Sidebar.js](
- [ ] Add [MetisMenu.js]( with Bootstrap 4 Theme or [Collapsing Sidebar Menu]( or [Multilevel Accordion Menu](
- [ ] Add [push.js](
- [ ] Add [noUiSlider](
- [ ] Add [Date picker]( and [Another Date picker](
- [ ] Add [Date picker with Range](
- [ ] Add [Clock picker](
- [ ] Add [Time picker]( - [MyImpl](
- [ ] Add [Glider](
- [ ] Add [OverlayScrollbars](
- [ ] ~~Add [Snackbar]( with Queue.~~
- [ ] Add [Cropper.js](
- [ ] Add [Image Zoom](
- [ ] Add [JsBarcode](
- [ ] Add [jQuery Easy Ticker](
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap News Box]( with Bootstrap 4.
- [ ] Add [jQuery Collapser](
- [ ] Add [jQuery News Ticker]( with [Typed.js]( or [Breaking News]( It should support RTL.
- [ ] Add [Typed.js](
- [ ] Add [jQuery contextMenu](
- [x] Add `ScrollUp/ScrollDown` with [Zenscroll](
- [ ] Add [CodeMirror](
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap Email]( and [Email Box]( and [Compose](
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap TouchSpin](
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap Confirmation](
- [ ] Add [jsTree]( with Bootstrap 4 Theme and [jsTreeGrid](
- [ ] Add [Dual Listbox](
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap Milestones]( (Responsive Timeline) or [Bootstrap Timeline]( or [Tracking Timeline]( or [Clear Timeline]( or [Simple Timeline](
- [ ] Add [bs-stepper](
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap pagination](
- [ ] ~~Add [Select2]( jQuery, With [Dependent / Cascading Select List]( And [Floating Label]( And [Bootstrap Theme](
- [ ] Add [jqPropertyGrid]( with Bootstrap 4 Theme.
- [ ] Add [DomOutline](
- [ ] Add [Mousetrap](
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap 4 Search Box](
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap 4 Dropdown Hover](
- [ ] Add [Slinky]( with [Bootstrap 4 theme](
- [ ] Add [lozad.js](
- [ ] Add [PhotoSwipe](
- [ ] Add [x-spreadsheet](
- [ ] Add [Signature Pad](
- [ ] Add [Gantt](
- [ ] Add [jQuery Comments]( or [Comment Form]( or [Comment](
- [ ] Add [Apex Charts](
- [ ] Add [roundSlider](
- [ ] Add [ImageEditor](
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap 4 Affix]( and [ScrollPos Styler](
- [ ] Add [Monaco Editor](
- [ ] Add [CountUp](
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap circular progress bar](
- [ ] Add [Placeholder loading](
- [ ] Add [Long press click](
- [ ] Add [Timesheet.js](
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap 4 Search Box]( and [Sample]( or [Sample 2](
- [ ] Add [Comment Box](
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap Poll]( and [Statistics]( (Single/Multi Choices)
- [ ] Add [StickyBits](
- [ ] Add [maxlength]( works with Bootstrap 4 without any changes, use `badge` instead of `label`
- [ ] Add [bootstrap scrolling tabs](
- [ ] Add [List Filter]( We can upgrade `list-group` component with this feature. However it is not necessary we can make `list-group` binable to any datasource.
- [ ] Add [Colorpicker](
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap Tour](
- [ ] Add [Muuri]( Or [Gridstack](
- [ ] Add [fullcalendar]( with [Persian]( support.
- [ ] Add [Virtual Keyboard]( with Bootstrap 4 theme. 
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap 4 Item Slider Responsive](
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap 4 Forms](
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap ChatBox]( or [Message ChatBox]( or [Bootstrap Chat Template]( or [Bootstrap Chat](
- [ ] ~~Add [Ladda]( with [Bootstrap 4](
- [ ] Add [Krajee markdown editor](
- [ ] Add [Krajee Bootstrap Popover X](
- [ ] Add [Krajee Bootstrap Tabs X](
- [ ] Add [Krajee Bootstrap Star Rating](
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap Tabdrop](
- [ ] Add [Bricks.js](
- [ ] Add [Jodit Editor]( or [Trumbowyg](
- [ ] Add ~~[Social Buttons]( Button with font icon option.
- [ ] Add [Simple reading time](
- [ ] Add [is-online](
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap Timepicker](
- [ ] Add Bootstrap [Floating Action Button](
- [ ] Add Weather forecast
- [ ] Add [Player](
- [ ] Add [Bootstrap Iconpicker](
- [ ] Add [Wheelnav.js](
- [ ] Add [Upvote.js](
- [ ] Add [JSONFormatter](
- [ ] Add [xml-formatter](
- [ ] Add [Quote Block]( or [Testimonial page]( or [Bootstrap custom quote]( or [Simple Quote ](
- [ ] Add [Humanize Duration](
- [ ] Add [Numeral.js](
- [ ] Add [Accounting.js](
- [ ] Add [Voca.js](
- [ ] Add [Showdown]( a JavaScript Markdown to HTML converter
- [ ] Add [js-written-number]( with Persian support.
- [ ] Add [Rete.js](
- [ ] Add [xState](
- [ ] Add [Platform.js](
- [ ] Add [Hammer.js](
- [ ] Add [Oribella](
- [ ] Add [jsDiff](
- [ ] Add [Clipboard.js](
- [ ] Add [MathJax](
- [ ] Add [Smooth-dnd](
- [ ] Add [Title Notifier.js](
- [ ] Add [CSS Image Hover Effect](
- [ ] Add [Base64.js](
- [ ] Add [JavaScript Cookie](
- [ ] Add [Animate on Scroll](
- [ ] Add [Reveal.js](
- [ ] Add [sanitize-html](
- [ ] Add [Resumable.js](
- [ ] Add [DBFS Explorer](
- [ ] Add [SlickGrid]( Or [DataTables]( Or [Tabulator](
- [ ] Add [DataView](
- [ ] Add [OrderList](
- [ ] Add [OrganizationChart](
- [ ] Add [TreeTable](
HamedFathi commented 3 years ago

closed in favor of #4