aurelia-ui-toolkits / aurelia-kendoui-bridge

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aurelia-cli + minified kendo does not work #616

Open JeroenVinke opened 7 years ago

JeroenVinke commented 7 years ago

with minified kendo.grid.min.js this gets in the bundle:

define("kendo/js/kendo.grid.min", [],function(){});

and with unminified kendo.grid.js this gets in the bundle:


kendo minified (commonJS, when downloaded from NPM) works kendo minified (AMD, when downloaded as trial or from the kendo site) fails kendo unminified (AMD, from the kendo source ZIP of the telerik site) works

adriatic commented 7 years ago

Is this not an Aurelia-CLI bug?

JeroenVinke commented 7 years ago

Yes, but it would be nice if we could narrow down the problem so that it can be fixed more quickly

adriatic commented 7 years ago

No disagreement from me

JeroenVinke commented 7 years ago

This may be expected behavior because we are treating Kendo as a package, but it is a collection of individual named modules. Will update the docs when we can handle that better in the CLI

adriatic commented 7 years ago

How can this be handled better in cli? A special case for collections of individually named modules? How frequent is this situation?

Would it be better to provide an utility that makes a package from a collection of individually named modules?

JeroenVinke commented 7 years ago

After the CLI respects paths in aurelia.json, I bet it'll work by pointing each named module to the correct location. But specifying all files is not very optimal, so perhaps we can do the same as JSPM, to allow for globs ("kendo.*": "node_modules/kendo/kendo.*.min.js".

adriatic commented 7 years ago

Yes, as the latter ought to be just an implicit invocation of the kendo.*.min.js to a "private list" of paths.