aurelia-ui-toolkits / aurelia-syncfusion-bridge

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binding for currencytextbox.decimal places not working #46

Closed gregoryagu closed 7 years ago

gregoryagu commented 7 years ago

I am using the currency textbox. Overall, it works fine. The value and width bind just fine.

But binding the decimal places does not seem to work for me. This is the html:

<input id="currency" type="text" ej-currency-textbox="e-value.two-way:controller.item.cost;e-width.bind:'100%';e-decimalPlaces.bind:4" />

I looked at the code in currencytextbox.js in aurelia.syncfusion-bridge and I can see the property there. So I don't understand why it would not work.

Any advice would be appreciated.

gregoryagu commented 7 years ago

Ah, I got this to work. The syntax should be e-decimal-places.bind:4,not e-decimalPlaces:bind:4

AlainBaslter commented 7 years ago

Is this part really working for you? ej-currency-textbox="e-value.two-way:controller.item.cost;"

That's nested two deep: controller.item.cost Are you sure its working? I can't seem to get nested properties to bind!