aurelia-ui-toolkits / aurelia-syncfusion-bridge

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Nested properties in ej-xxx #66

Closed AlainBaslter closed 7 years ago

AlainBaslter commented 7 years ago

In the example below can nested view model properties not be used?

<input ej-tooltip="e-content.bind:tip" ej-numeric-textbox="e-width.bind:width;e-value.bind:model.value;e-watermark-text.bind:model.watermark" />

Actually I have a lot more e-xxx.bind=someViewModelProperty in there not shown. As long as the properties are directly on the view model itself (not nested) it works.

It appears that when they are nested it does not work. Can it be made to work? If so how?

This works when using straight HTML5

<input type="text" value.bind="model.value" placeholder.bind="model.placeHolder" />

Aurelia supports nested binding, custom attribute


does not?

Can I use those e.g. e-width.bind:width like this...

e-width.bind="width" i.e. not inside ej-numeric-textbox="not here" string like for the grid?

It must be a limitation of the bridge?

mariaantony-gnanasekaran commented 7 years ago

@AlainBaslter Yes , you can use nested view-model properties inside aurelia-syncfusion-bridge custom attribute.

Refer the below gist

If you are still facing the issue , Please share your simple Aurelia sample in gist or GitHub repository.

Query: Can I use those e.g. e-width.bind:width outside the custom attribute ?

As per Aurelia standards, custom attribute properties should be used only inside the wrapper. So, you can’t use e-width.bind:width outside the custom attribute. Refer the below link to know more about custom attribute

AlainBaslter commented 7 years ago

@mariaantony-gnanasekaran Thanks very much that was very useful. Turns out I made a mistake in initializing my model. Indeed it works nested.