aurelia-ui-toolkits / aurelia-syncfusion-bridge

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Scheduler two way data binding #69

Closed jbyl closed 6 years ago

jbyl commented 6 years ago

I was wondering if the ejSchedule widget supports two way binding to a collection of appointments stored in the view model, like this:

<ej-schedule dataSource.bind="appointments">

I know that this is allowed:

<ej-schedule e-appointment-settings.bind="schedulerData"></ej-schedule>

but in this case the appointments stored in the view model don't seem to be updated whenever a user adds a new one.

karthickthangasamy commented 6 years ago

@jBylinski In native Aurelia, there is no two way binding support for complex property and in Schedule, the data source property will be like appointmentSettings.dataSource (which is complex property), therefore two way binding is not possible for Scheduler data source.