aurelia-ui-toolkits / aurelia-syncfusion-bridge

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TypeScript syntaxes used in JS files #7

Closed bharathm03 closed 8 years ago

bharathm03 commented 8 years ago

Found some typings in JS file. As per mail conversion with @Thanood,

This was done to provide babel-dts-generator with the necessary information to be able to generate a .d.ts typescript definition file.

For generating d.ts file, do we need to consider typings in wrapper component file also? Also, i tried to get the documentation for babel-dts-generator, which is empty in github repo.

adriatic commented 8 years ago

The information you request (and a lot more) is provided here and you were supposed to read this already :-)

As it is really difficult to serialize all of the available information in a sequential set of articles, I expected the need to "iterative refinement" so, here is my second attempt to clarify this initial approach to creating the bridge:

Aurelia-Syncfusion bridge github repo has only the needed minimum of the infrastructure to be able to start building the Aurelia-Syncfusion bridge.

In other words, adding bridge infrastructure code (content of the folder) and bridge catalog application code (everything in folder) is what you will be doing until everything is done.

In the course of this project, you should look at the Aurelia-KendoUI bridge infrastructure code (content of the folder) and bridge catalog application code (everything in folder) as the model for your own work (most of that code is to be copied verbatim)

Important node All of the documentation for bridge developers (Syncfusion team in this case) is available in the Aurelia-KendoUI bridge catalog application help section - and this section includes the documentation for bable-dts-generator that you are asking about above.


Task of creating the Aurelia-Syncfusion bridge consists of copying small chunks of the code from KendoUI repo to Syncfusion repo.

Note that creating Syncfusion bridge includes the creation of the Syncfusion bridge catalog application (task

_Please do not hesitate to extend this conversation with more questions if needed._

Thanood commented 8 years ago

More specifically, the dts-generator is described here. To be fair: there seems not to be an exhaustive list of available options (which would be very convenient to know how to tweak the generator). I've tried to find these, too.

bharathm03 commented 8 years ago

@Thanood and @adriatic thanks