aurelia-ui-toolkits / aurelia-syncfusion-bridge

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V2.2 JQuery not defined #81

Closed MrRobboto closed 6 years ago

MrRobboto commented 6 years ago

So I'm using this bridge and just upgraded a new project to 2.2. With the aurelia-skeleton-navigation typescript setup I've added npm:syncfusion-javascript via JSPM along with this bridge.

Upon running the app JQuery doesn't seem to be imported at any point by the bridge and doesn't end up loading in the browser. Also I'll note when I include the bridge components in a JSPM bundle, JQuery is not included as a dependency.

Rolling the version back to 1.2 fixes everything.

Browser error: ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined at ejMaskEdit.createWidget (widget-base.js:60)

karthickthangasamy commented 6 years ago

@MrRobboto We made breaking changes to optimise the bundling process, In which we have to refer the syncfusion-javascript widget in sample to overcome this issue. Refer to the below link for detailed information.

Since, you have to import the ej.maskedit.min in sample to resolve the issue.

import 'syncfusion-javascript/Scripts/ej/web/ej.maskedit.min';

Refer to the below link for integrating aurelia-syncfusion-bridge and syncfusion-javascript into aurelia-skeletons.

Thanks, Karthick T

MrRobboto commented 6 years ago

Ah, that's actually a lot nicer! Just needed to know what to change and couldn't find the docs provided. Thank you very much for the quick response! Took me awhile to figure out it was the bridge and killed 2 hours but it was my fault I accidentally upgraded...

Thanks again, Rob

karthickthangasamy commented 6 years ago

@MrRobboto Thanks for your feedback.

I have updated the GitHub release with release notes information here.

If you have any queries/concerns let me know, I will always here to assist you.
