aurelia-ui-toolkits / issues

This repository's primary purpose is to host the discussions on aurelia-ui-toolkits issues :-)
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Moving towards bridge* RC #11

Open adriatic opened 8 years ago

adriatic commented 8 years ago

General info

I would like us all to focus on a single item for the next 7-10 days: getting KendoUI and Materialize bridge as close to Release Candidate as we can do, given the constraint that our code needs to run on Aurelia RC.

I propose to put @Thanood and @JeroenVinke is co-pilots and the rest of us to help with anything that two co-pilots request.

adriatic commented 8 years ago

KendoUI Bridge tasks

@adriatic's suggestions - to be validated and augmented by @JeroenVinke

@JeroenVinke - please complete this list and create tasks here. Do not try to do everything yourself and do not assign tasks to people who would take 10 times as much time as you would! (this is a fine balancing act)

adriatic commented 8 years ago

Materialize tasks

@thanood, please do the similar list as the one above that I pre-created for @JeroenVinke. My advice is to wait until you see @JeroenVinke's list before starting on yours.

Edit Thanood:

adriatic commented 8 years ago

Get control of Webpack

This task will not start until having all webpack built skeletons working correctly.

The Using Webpack issue, that I wrote for Adam, once he stated his interest to handle all Aurelia-UI-Toolkits interactions with the webpack team.

At this point, I am not sure about Adam's availability in the near future and I do not want to take any risks (like not having the webpack support for our bridges ready, despite the chance that the webkit would indeed work in the shape it is at the moment).

So, I declare myself in temporary charge of this task where I plan to

  1. Collect all information about webpack that floated in chatrooms over last few days between @charlespockert, @JeroenVinke and @Thanood).
  2. Collect the most current information from @niieani (
  3. Run the verification decribed here
Thanood commented 8 years ago

@adriatic The webpack tooling seems to have gone through a lot of changes recently. To be honest I have lost track of it. For example what exactly belongs in in package.json?

I have been waiting for a working skeleton to refresh my knowledge but the current skeleton still has some problems. There are a lot of issues in skeleton-navigation and webpack-plugin repos about packages not being found. The whole typings thing (for typescript-webpack) seems to be in a state of transition.

I'd rather wait for a stable version of webpack plugin/loader/skeleton. I don't mean stable as in "release quality" but as in "things have settled and the team has decided which way to go with and typings config".

adriatic commented 8 years ago

@Thanood I agree with your point(s) on webpack completely, so I corrected that entry to reflect that :-)

niieani commented 8 years ago

We'll post a blog post on the new Webpack support once that gets officially released. Stay tuned :)

adriatic commented 8 years ago

Thanks, @niieani for confirming that we (people that create Aurelia bridges) are indeed inserted in the proper look. We will happily wait for this blog post you mentioned and then make sure to verify that all problems with KendoUI bridge / Materialize bridge are taken care of.

Thanood commented 8 years ago

Regarding jspm 0.17.x: Is that version considered "stable" now? Aurelia skeletons are still using 0.16.15

niieani commented 8 years ago

Nope, JSPM beta (0.17) is still in flux, at least in my tests it was broken.

Thanood commented 8 years ago

Good to know. Thanks, @niieani :smile:

adriatic commented 8 years ago

@niieani can you see whether this is meaningful, please?

Experiment with skeleton-webpack

"version": "1.0.0-beta.1.2.6"

Original app

The app builds with a few errors (not sure about significance of these errors, - see attached file pure-sample-build.txt.

The app runs fine

Modified app (added four KendoUI controls autocomplete, button, chart and grid)

This app fails to build. The attached file sample-with-kendoui-build.txt will hopefully help finding the problem.

My guesses:

  1. This app is slightly modified original skeleton-webpack, where I added the folder with all KendoUI files, it seems that my original problem remains:
[app.html] wants to require "kendo-ui/styles/kendo.common.min.css!", which does not exist.
[app.html] wants to require "kendo-ui/styles/kendo.bootstrap.min.css!", which does not exist.

I saw some comments that "css files cannot be required" so, this could be a problem. In addition, the attached "log" shows many repetitive statements like

[kendoui/button/k-button.html] required "./kendoui/button/k-button.css" from "!!css!src/kendoui/button/k-button.css".
[kendoui/button/k-button.html] required "././kendoui/button/k-button.html" from "src/kendoui/button/k-button.html".
[kendoui/button/k-button.html] required "./kendoui/button/k-button.css" from "!!css!src/kendoui/button/k-button.css".
[kendoui/button/k-button.html] required "././kendoui/button/k-button.html" from "src/kendoui/button/k-button.html".
[kendoui/button/k-button.html] required "./kendoui/button/k-button.css" from "!!css!src/kendoui/button/k-button.css".
[kendoui/button/k-button.html] required "././kendoui/button/k-button.html" from "src/kendoui/button/k-button.html".
[kendoui/button/k-button.html] required "./kendoui/button/k-button.css" from "!!css!src/kendoui/button/k-button.css".
[kendoui/button/k-button.html] required "././kendoui/button/k-button.html" from "src/kendoui/button/k-button.html".
[kendoui/button/k-button.html] required "./kendoui/button/k-button.css" from "!!css!src/kendoui/button/k-button.css".
[kendoui/button/k-button.html] required "././kendoui/button/k-button.html" from "src/kendoui/button/k-button.html".
[kendoui/button/k-button.html] required "./kendoui/button/k-button.css" from "!!css!src/kendoui/button/k-button.css".
[kendoui/button/k-button.html] required "././kendoui/button/k-button.html" from "src/kendoui/button/k-button.html".
[kendoui/button/k-button.html] required "./kendoui/button/k-button.css" from "!!css!src/kendoui/button/k-button.css".
niieani commented 8 years ago

Repetitions are okay, they will be ignored in the actual build process. I'll look into the errors soon.

adriatic commented 8 years ago

@niieani Let me know which options you would prefer:

  1. A description of the process that adds a KendoUI component to the skeleton-webpack
  2. Have me create that app myself
  3. None of the above
Thanood commented 8 years ago

If you asked me I'd say 1 and 2.. :smile:

adriatic commented 8 years ago

Not a difficult decision to make - so I will use you as Bazyli's proxy and provide 1 and 2 in this discussion.