aurelia / bundler

A library for bundling JavaScript, HTML and CSS for use with SystemJS.
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Develop with live-compilation, bundle for production #130

Closed LordZardeck closed 8 years ago

LordZardeck commented 8 years ago

Is it possible to utilize System.js' transpiler feature to develop locally, then when ready, use aurelia-bundler to deploy? I can't figure out how to make that work, since in the config i specify to look in my src folder, but when it's bundled, it will be in a different folder, such as dist. Is this possible? if so, could someone show me an example config that supports this?

atsu85 commented 8 years ago

It is possible, but not smth you want - too slow. For example i even bundle all 3rd party resources in development and leave my app code unbundled until going to production.

LordZardeck commented 8 years ago

@atsu85 Do you have an example of it working the way I'm describing?

Also, are you saying that you run bundle on your 3rd party resources, then do what I'm describing above for your source code? Because I could be down for that.

EisenbergEffect commented 8 years ago

We would recommend other build setups such as webpack of cli.

atsu85 commented 8 years ago


Do you have an example of it working the way I'm describing?

NO! As I said:

It is possible, but not smth you want - too slow.

The development process with System.js transpiler (in browser) would be way-way-way too slow. For me even the default skeleton setup where in development mode You don't have anything bundled is too slow. So to waste less time on each refresh

i even bundle all 3rd party resources in development and leave my app code unbundled until going to production.

So to achieve that setup where only 3rd party assets are bundled (but not my app-specific code), i have budnles.js:

// based on
module.exports = {
  "bundles": {
    "bundled-app": {
      "includes": [...],
      "options": {...}
    "bundled-vendor": {
      "includes": [...],
      "options": {...}

and gulp tasks look smth like this:

// based on
var config = { ...};
gulp.task('bundle', ['static',  'html', 'typescript'], function() {
  return bundler.bundle(config);

gulp.task('bundleVendor', ['unbundle', 'static',  'html', 'typescript'], function() {
  return bundler.bundle(getBundleConfig(config, "bundled-vendor")); // <-- WHAT SHOULD BE BUNDLED

gulp.task('unbundle', function() {
  return bundler.unbundle(config);

function getBundleConfig(config, bundle) {
    if(bundle) {
        for(someBundle in config.bundles) {
            if(bundle !== someBundle) {
                delete config.bundles[someBundle];
    if(Object.keys(config.bundles).length < 1) {
        throw new Error("Didn't find bundle config by bundle name '" + bundle + "'");
    return config

I hope it helps someone who wants to continue with jspm + SystemJS (as opposed to aurelia-cli that looks great as well or webpack that has its own pros and cons).

LordZardeck commented 8 years ago

The reason I want to do it regardless of speed, is conscience. Being able to have a coworker just run it without having to install some build process would be a huge win for us