aurelia / cli

The Aurelia 1 command line tool. Use the CLI to create projects, scaffold components, and bundle your app for release.
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Aurelia + Cordova + Typescript #214

Open EisenbergEffect opened 8 years ago

EisenbergEffect commented 8 years ago

@valeriob commented on Sun Feb 28 2016

Hello, Can you show little example app where using aurelia and cordova ? Or provide the right way to setup aurelia in a cordova (with typescript) application ?

@hmarcelodn commented on Sun Feb 28 2016

@valeriob use the typescript skeleton. Anyways you can check my pull requests which is working without Typescript.

@valeriob commented on Sun Feb 28 2016

Thanks i saw the pull request just after submitting this question. Btw i'm trying to start with a cordova typescript template and just configure www folder as aurelia app. Is there any issue having jspm_packages folder inside www ?

@hmarcelodn commented on Sun Feb 28 2016

@valeriob actually you will have to move the jspm packages folder into www otherwise things gets complicated.

@valeriob commented on Sat Mar 05 2016

So working with cordova and aurelia with javascript is easy, just copy the starter kit in www cordova folder and you're done. I'm hitting a wall with typescript though. Has anyone done that ?

@benlaan commented on Tue Mar 08 2016

@valeriob I am doing this combination without problem. What is the issue?

I simply copy the output of ts compilation into www, as well as the html files, and jspm_package

The cordova folder looks like this (I treat it as an output folder, separate to the source)


I did have to write a gulp task to get everything lined up, but that's all

@EisenbergEffect commented on Tue Mar 08 2016

We are working on a kit, but what @benlaan explains should work.

@valeriob commented on Tue Mar 08 2016

cheers Rob, it's very hard to start from zero with all the node + cordova + aurelia stuff :D

@Mike-Dunton commented on Tue Apr 19 2016

Any luck with loading Cordova plugins?

I've got the Skelton working and loading in phonegap I am a little lost at getting some of the plugins working/injected into my viewmodels.

@valeriob commented on Wed Apr 20 2016

I'm on hold waiting for the official kit

@EisenbergEffect commented on Wed Apr 20 2016

We are working on an official kit which will be delivered via a new CLI tool we are working on (since our skeleton list is getting a bit out of hand). We don't know yet when that will be released. In the mean time, you may want to ask in the gitter channel to see if anyone has a kit you can use.

@valeriob commented on Mon Jun 20 2016

Hi, is there any news on the subject ?

@EisenbergEffect commented on Mon Jun 20 2016

We have a new CLI we are working on. The CLI will be able to build for multiple targets. We will add a Cordova target in the near future.

valeriob commented 7 years ago

Hi, a long time has passed, is there any update on this feature ?

JeroenVinke commented 7 years ago

Hi @valeriob. No update yet unfortunately, we're working on other areas of the CLI first. If you really need this feature then the best way would be to get started on this yourself. If this is something you would like to do, then I can help you out along the way (you can send me a message on Gitter).

jasonbiondo commented 6 years ago

@JeroenVinke @EisenbergEffect is an update for this dead or is there some other place I can go to find a Cordova skeleton? I'm hitting errors when trying to load my build in iOS and Android because of resource file path issues and the use of the base tag. If there is a skeleton, I'd love to see it so that I can fix my errors.

jwx commented 6 years ago

@jasonbiondo Not a skeleton (and possibly a bit outdated), but might provide some help/ideas: