aurelia / cli

The Aurelia 1 command line tool. Use the CLI to create projects, scaffold components, and bundle your app for release.
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Use of symlinks in src does not work #772

Closed Jule- closed 2 years ago

Jule- commented 6 years ago

I'm submitting a bug report

Please tell us about your environment:

Current behavior: Following this kind of project hierarchy:

├── projectA
│   ├── aurelia_project
│   ├── src
│   │   ├── main.js
│   │   ├── shared_sources -> ../../shared_sources
├── projectB
│   ├── aurelia_project
│   ├── src
│   │   ├── main.js
│   │   ├── shared_sources -> ../../shared_sources
├── shared_sources
│   ├── class.js

And assuming that each main.js have an import Class from './shared_sources/class';, when I try to build with au build I have some errors due to symlinks. If I past class.js in a standard folder all goes fine.


commonJs.convert: COULD NOT CONVERT: C:/rootFolder/projectA/src/shared_sources/class.js, so skipping it. Error was: Error: Line 1: Unexpected token
Error occurred while tracing
{ Error: Parse error using esprima for file: C:/rootFolder/projectA/src/shared_sources/class.js
Error: Line 1: Unexpected token
    at Object.context.load (C:\rootFolder\projectA\node_modules\aurelia-cli\lib\build\amodro-trace\lib\loader\Loader.js:392:21)
    at Object.load (eval at <anonymous> (C:\rootFolder\projectA\node_modules\aurelia-cli\lib\build\amodro-trace\lib\loader\Loader.js:14:9), <anonymous>:832:29)
    at Object.fetch (eval at <anonymous> (C:\rootFolder\projectA\node_modules\aurelia-cli\lib\build\amodro-trace\lib\loader\Loader.js:14:9), <anonymous>:822:66)
    at Object.check (eval at <anonymous> (C:\rootFolder\projectA\node_modules\aurelia-cli\lib\build\amodro-trace\lib\loader\Loader.js:14:9), <anonymous>:854:30)
    at Object.enable (eval at <anonymous> (C:\rootFolder\projectA\node_modules\aurelia-cli\lib\build\amodro-trace\lib\loader\Loader.js:14:9), <anonymous>:1173:22)
    at Object.enable (eval at <anonymous> (C:\rootFolder\projectA\node_modules\aurelia-cli\lib\build\amodro-trace\lib\loader\Loader.js:14:9), <anonymous>:1554:39)
    at Object.context.enable (C:\rootFolder\projectA\node_modules\aurelia-cli\lib\build\amodro-trace\lib\loader\Loader.js:292:24)
    at Object.eval (eval at <anonymous> (C:\rootFolder\projectA\node_modules\aurelia-cli\lib\build\amodro-trace\lib\loader\Loader.js:14:9), <anonymous>:1158:33)
    at eval (eval at <anonymous> (C:\rootFolder\projectA\node_modules\aurelia-cli\lib\build\amodro-trace\lib\loader\Loader.js:14:9), <anonymous>:134:23)
    at each (eval at <anonymous> (C:\rootFolder\projectA\node_modules\aurelia-cli\lib\build\amodro-trace\lib\loader\Loader.js:14:9), <anonymous>:59:31)
  moduleTree: [ 'main' ],
  fileName: 'C:/rootFolder/projectA/src/main.js' }
Alexander-Taran commented 2 years ago

@3cp is this still relevant?

3cp commented 2 years ago

This works on latest skeleton. It's probably some default change between gulp v3 and v4.

If having trouble with symlink with latest skeleton, try gulp.src's options follow: true.

3cp commented 2 years ago

The gulp.src option can be edited in various files in aurelia_project/tasks/ whenever gulp.src is used.

3cp commented 2 years ago

Oh, it works on macOS where symlink is true symlink. No sure about windows, I guess symlink is simulated on the platform which causes many trouble. (My knowledge might be wrongly based outdated file system in windows)

Alexander-Taran commented 2 years ago

@3cp thank you