aurelia / dependency-injection

A lightweight, extensible dependency injection container for JavaScript.
MIT License
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Unable to jspm bundle aurelia-dependency-injection 1.4 #168

Closed mreiche closed 6 years ago

mreiche commented 6 years ago

I've recently updated to aurelia-dependency-injection 1.4 and I'm unable to bundle with JSPM:

jspm bundle myty/backend/services/* + myty/core/services/* + aurelia-framework + aurelia-bootstrapper + aurelia-loader-default + aurelia-templating-binding + aurelia-templating-router + aurelia-templating-resources + aurelia-pal + aurelia-pal-browser + aurelia-router + aurelia-history + aurelia-history-browser + aurelia-logging-console + aurelia-validation + aurelia-fetch-client + aurelia-plugins-cookies + aurelia-i18n + aurelia-animator-css + aurelia-loader + text + i18next-xhr-backend + url-parse + moment + aurelia-orm + aurelia-api ./tycon/modules/backend/js/myty-aurelia.min.js --skip-source-maps --minify 

err  Error on fetch for npm:aurelia-dependency-injection@1.4.0.js at file:///vendor/jspm_packages/npm/aurelia-dependency-injection@1.4.0.js
        Loading npm:aurelia-framework@1.2.0/aurelia-framework.js
        Loading npm:aurelia-framework@1.2.0.js
        Loading myty/backend/services/attributes.js
        Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/vendor/jspm_packages/npm/aurelia-dependency-injection@1.4.0.js

When I downgrade to 1.3.2 its everything fine, because npm/aurelia-dependency-injection@1.3.2.js is present.

ben-girardet commented 6 years ago

Same when using Webpack. See this post on Discourse:

pete-hotchkiss commented 6 years ago

this is all going to be - I suspect at least - related to #166 and #167

EisenbergEffect commented 6 years ago

Released 1.4.1. Please give that a try.

mreiche commented 6 years ago

[16:54:15] Finished 'bundleProd' after 6.51 s