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Promote aurelia-typed-observable plugin to official and add docs #411

Open zewa666 opened 5 years ago

zewa666 commented 5 years ago

Just today I again stumbled across this great plugin which definitely deserves more visibility. How about promoting it to an official one and adding some docs @EisenbergEffect, @bigopon ?

EisenbergEffect commented 5 years ago

@bigopon How much code is it? This is something I'd be interested in having in the core for vNext actually, but we could keep the plugin for vCurrent. Thoughts?

bigopon commented 5 years ago

For vNext, its simple to add, and should in core. Back to the Q, for vCurrent, how do we promote the plugin to an official one?

zewa666 commented 5 years ago

@eisenbergeffect creates a new repo, gives you write permissions and off you go with the Initial commit.

I also like the idea of having this in core for vNext but so far the Plugin approach is good. Essentially what it really boils down to is having an official documentation and the proof for consumers that it will be maintained

EisenbergEffect commented 5 years ago

Yep, @bigopon I could set up a repo for you under the aurelia org and then we just need to add a doc to the plugins section of our site. You want to go for it?

bigopon commented 5 years ago

@EisenbergEffect the plugins require devs to import decorators from there, not from core module. Does it look good for an official plugin?

EisenbergEffect commented 5 years ago

I think it's something we can live with for now as we transition to vNext.

zewa666 commented 5 years ago

I'd agree. Importing from other Plugin packages shouldnt be an issue If we clearly document this, maybe even with a hint that it wont be necessary in vNext

bigopon commented 5 years ago

Changing from its current repo to aurelia org is easy. What do we want to do with release on npm? And potentially pagkage name as well?

3cp commented 5 years ago

npm has command to remove all existing versions.

But you need to wait 24 hrs (some npmjs policy) before republish it under different npm user name. For safety, you'd better republish all versions.

bigopon commented 5 years ago

@EisenbergEffect @zewa666 any comments on what @3cp and @bigopon said?

EisenbergEffect commented 5 years ago

For the NPM release, you just need to make AureliaEffect an owner. I don't think there's a need to change the name or republish stuff.

michaelw85 commented 5 years ago

I would very much like to see this made official or even better moved into the core (not just vnext). I've looked for type coercion in the past and today I was looking for default binding mode for view only components and stumbled upon

Can I pitch in to make this happen?

bigopon commented 5 years ago

@michaelw85 that'd be awesome. But the first thing we need to sort out is the scope of the plugin. At the moment, it's for coercing value, we can expand it to provide a few extra bits of functionalities


EisenbergEffect commented 5 years ago

I'd like to get the plugin made official as is first. Then, I'd like to build this and the other issue into vNext. Once that's done, we should look at what the best way to realize this feature is in vCurrent. This will ensure that vCurrent is at least a strict subset of vNext and help us make them compatible.

@bigopon I know Fred is in the middle of a big refactor on vNext. Maybe check with him on this. If this work is mostly restricted, at least at first, to the template compiler, then you might be able to work on it in parallel.