aurelia / documentation

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Aurelia validation docs - configuration in .json still needed? #438

Closed GimmeDaKitty closed 5 years ago

GimmeDaKitty commented 5 years ago

Hi! I am checking out the documentation regarding validation ,and after installation of the aurelia-validation package the instruction reads:

If you're using the aurelia-cli, add the following configuration to your aurelia.json after you've installed the package with npm.

"name": "aurelia-validation",
"path": "../node_modules/aurelia-validation/dist/amd",
"main": "aurelia-validation"

[...] search your aurelia.json for aurelia-templating-resources [...]

The aurelia.json file under the aurelia_project does not have anything about aurelia-template-resources. It looks like this template-resources is now part of the packages.json file.

Is the documentation still up to date?

My setup: Library Version: aurelia-cli v1.0.1 Environment

Operating System: Windows 10

Node Version: v10.15.3

NPM Version: 6.9.0

Browser: Chrome Version 75.0.3770.100 (Official Build) (32-bit)

Language: Typescript 3.1

Loader/bundler: Webpack

3cp commented 5 years ago

It is outdated, latest cli doesn't require user to add dep explicitly. CLI does all automatically.

I will remove the part from the doc.