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question: example of released web apps which use Aurelia #333

Closed opcodewriter closed 7 years ago

opcodewriter commented 8 years ago

I heard Rob mentioned for quite a while now that there are companies which Aurelia in production for many months, but he cannot disclose their name, which can be understandable sometimes.

But are there any examples of web apps which uses Aurelia in production and whose names can be given?

I'm looking for:

  1. a real product/service, so not a demo or POC. Also something which is like an internal product doesn't help, because I want to check it out.
  2. some complexity in the data flow, must have several screens, different kinds of data flow between different UI components and views, validation, routing, etc. It must be something much more than the app which shows static content
  3. must use latest Aurelia or something close to the last version


wshayes commented 8 years ago

Selventa Inc/ -- BELMgr - (demo site - not for production) - our production site is proprietary since it holds proprietary content. Not a huge application or great example of Aurelia design principles since it is our first (actually second use - first use was a minor enhancement to a Django app) project.

opcodewriter commented 8 years ago

Thank you. It's a nice example but I'm really looking to check out web apps developed with Aurelia and in production.

wshayes commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the reminder to update our Welcome msg.

On Feb 23, 2016, at 8:29 AM, mikefills wrote:

Thank you. It's a nice example but I'm really looking for web apps in production.

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atsu85 commented 8 years ago

I used pre-alpha version of Aurelia (from June 2015) to create an internal application for local governments of the republic of Estonia (it is not available for public). Aurelia has evolved a lot since then, but to my mind mostly with plugins, nice-to-have features, tooling and architecturally (for example simplified APIs for really-really advanced use cases). There were only 2 small issues (with that version) i had to work around and they didn't compromise my day-to-day productivity at all. Comparing the framework with Angular, it was even back then a breath of fresh air, and it would be hard to go back to that again. For now it is certainly my number 1 pick for SPA framework. Aurelia team has done a great work with both code and community!

mPisano commented 8 years ago

My first exposure to a SPA framework was with Durandal and BreezeJs developing a logistics application for use by our international offices, agents and customers. We launched version 1 and like many was sad when Rob left and cheered when he returned with Aurelia. We have been working with Aurelia from the early beta’s porting the Durandal version over to version 2. We are now 100% complete with the port; The code is so much cleaner now and have added additional features that were difficult to do with prior.

I would love to show the newer version, off but it’s not public and requires a login, but I will say I am very happy with the structure, Syntax and stability of Aurelia. For 35 years I have programmed in every language since Pascal and finally think Java Script is ready. (or I’m ready for it). We are now waiting for the RC bits while we finish bundling and prepare to launch.

Many thanks to Rob and the team (especially @jdanyow) for this innovative and intuitive environment, I wish them and Aurelia great success.

EisenbergEffect commented 8 years ago

Awesome stuff all! Thanks for the encouragement!

opcodewriter commented 8 years ago

@mPisano Borland's Pascal, that's funny.

OK, so still no example of a web app product built with Aurelia which I can check-out. Maybe someone will see this post eventually and chime in.

I'm looking for:

  1. a real product/service, so not a demo or POC. also, it has be something I can check out, so not an internal thing.
  2. some complexity in the data flow, must have several screens, different kinds of data flow between different UI components and views, validation, routing, etc. It must be something much more than the app which shows static content
  3. must use latest Aurelia or something close to the last version

It's nice to see support and appreciation for Aurelia, and I tend to like and agree with the approach in Aurelia, but the reality is it all comes down to see and experience real products and apps built with Aurelia.

I think having a list of apps done with Aurelia posted right on is in Aurelia's best interest. Just a thought..

It must be hard to get popularity against other frameworks when these frameworks were created by big companies like Google and Facebook, main reason might be many people think that if it's coming from Google/Facebook it must be the best way to do it. Instead of waiting for people to start using Aurelia, what Aurelia team can do is to build an open source product something like MS's famous Contoso University but more complex, implementing different real life scenarios, demo'ing different patterns, etc. I think it would be fantastic.

Thanood commented 8 years ago

I've found on reddit. :smile: Seems to be "real".

stsje commented 8 years ago is a good example. I believe @jdanyow is the creator.

Sadly our app is for enterprise, so you won't be able to see more than the login page.

EisenbergEffect commented 8 years ago

Most of the apps that are in production today are behind closed doors or paywalls. For example, has put 6 Aurelia apps in production, but you won't be able to see them because you probably aren't purchasing software related to public transportation. There are lots of examples of this right now as there are plenty of Aurelia apps being written for health care, insurance, the financial industry, etc. They are significant applications but the general consumer can't gain access to them. Of course, there are lots of internal applications being built as well, which you will never see. What you are looking for is an open consumer-facing product built with Aurelia. There are some in development, but not yet launched. Many developers of those sorts of apps were waiting for our official beta and only started their development in November when we launched that, so they aren't ready to release just yet.

We plan on doing some case studies and adding a section to the site on this in the future. Doing the case studies are tricky because internal corporate politics are involved. In several cases, with large companies, I can't even tell you the names of the companies that are using Aurelia.

jdanyow commented 8 years ago

@mikefills - Public app with a decent amount of complexity here (service workers, embedding, integration with APIs, etc)- it's not a LOB app so probably not quite what you're looking for. Another public app that does LOB sorts of things that you're looking for is here but it needs updating, etc.

I'm in healthcare, we have three apps in development where I work, all behind login screens, can't share the code.

It must be hard to get popularity against other frameworks when these frameworks were created by big companies like Google and Facebook, main reason might be many people think that if it's coming from Google/Facebook it must be the best way to do it.

Here's a good perspective on that.

opcodewriter commented 8 years ago

@EisenbergEffect why close this? Can you please leave it open so more people see this and might contribute?

EisenbergEffect commented 8 years ago


opcodewriter commented 8 years ago

@EisenbergEffect thank you very much for keeping it open. I hope there will be apps built with Aurelia which anyone can check out, even if it requires a sign-up.

@jdanyow thank you the 1st link does nothing for me. the 2nd link is nice, I will review closely. About the podcast interview: I don't want to go off-topic, I listed to it few days ago, it doesn't bring anything new. The guy clearly says "I’m just a guy playing around with this stuff. I’m not using Aurelia on any production applications.". The whole interview is repeating exact same story and ideas from Rob's interview on Channel 9 at DEVintersection and his presentation at NDC London.

EisenbergEffect commented 8 years ago

@mikefills Here's something someone posted in the gitter room today:

EisenbergEffect commented 8 years ago

They said they built it in just a few days.

EisenbergEffect commented 8 years ago

There's lots of stuff going on, including from a number of companies you would know, I just can't show it to you unfortunately.

fractal76 commented 8 years ago

About 5 days, including the developer having to figure out some business logic and twiddling with layout etc...

opcodewriter commented 8 years ago

@EisenbergEffect looks nice. Yeah you mentioned about that before. But truth is, popularity is very important when choosing a framework. There are many people in the world right now looking to choose a framework for next project. Like me, some of them need to see something already done.

@fractal76 nice. do you plan to release it as a product?

devmai commented 8 years ago

This could be a good start to get in touch what Aurelia can do. It should be extended. All-in-one demonstration app of gbegerow From that one I can imagine a lot stuff for a example showcase.

iSkore commented 8 years ago

@mikefills - same here. One of the biggest things for me is seeing examples of what the framework can do & has done. It's (probably) safe to say the Durandal and Aurelia websites are made using Aurelia, but with them looking nearly the same, for good branding purpose, this doesn't give visitors a good understanding of what it can produce. I saw many articles saying "screw Angular, go Aurelia!" But after half an hour on the Aurelia site, I didn't see a final "case study," or "other companies did this". Only examples I have seen were on this thread, so thank you. While I still indend on going with Aurelia, it would've been much better when telling my tech team to switch to this, too. They all brought up "what has it done" after 5 minutes of investigation.

I believe this mysterious Project X will be a marketplace addon similar to RapidWeaver's marketplace. That would be a very good move for a framework relatively shrouded in this Angulr VS Ember VS Aurelia VS Whatever turmoil we are all in right now. A move like this would justify the "top secret-ness" we are all awaiting.

Hope to see a bit more in the future please!

EisenbergEffect commented 8 years ago

FYI We are planning case studies. It takes time because we have to get permission from companies (legal, marketing, etc.) do the case study and then put together the content for our own site and blogs. Then it has to be approved again by the company (legal and marketing).

iSkore commented 8 years ago

@EisenbergEffect, thank you for the quick response. I understand it takes time, I know there are a lot of things going on in the framework religm right now! Any comments on Project X? 😬

EisenbergEffect commented 8 years ago

Project X is a generic name for a collection of things we are working on. We've announced Aurelia Interface...but that is not all we have planned for this year :) I can neither confirm nor deny any suspicions :laughing:

iSkore commented 8 years ago

Hahaha alright then! I suppose keeping closed alpha (and beta? 😢) is probably better. Seems like every major player is in some sort of transition.

iSkore commented 8 years ago

Anyway, thank you for your time! I am looking forward to seeing more from this framework and the addons. My team would certainly benefit from having a stable, forward thinking framework like this. One that is a major player with good support we can get really comfortable with that doesn't make a move like Angulr 1.x to 2. That's quite absurd to us. Have to change way too many things. This looks like the one to me. We looked into ember and comet and still aren't particularly happy. So THANK YOU!!!

stefan2410 commented 8 years ago

We have in production the Admin portal, built in Aurelia for a product running in call centers (desktop clients) in the US Parking Industry. We started October middle and it works in production from end January.

sensedeep commented 8 years ago

We're developing a substantial management portal for a cloud-based intrusion detection service for a new startup SenseDeep. We've used Angular heavily in the past, but the elegant simplicity of Aurelia is compelling. So far so good in our development with no major issues we could not solve. We plan to launch 2nd half of this year.

glen-84 commented 8 years ago

I just asked a similar question on Gitter: Are there any non-trivial open-source Aurelia apps?

It would really be great if there was an official "reference implementation" of a LOB or "Admin Control Panel"-type application, with multiple sections showing forms (with API back end), validation, hierarchical routing, etc. as well as some cross-cutting items such as authentication and internationalization.

opcodewriter commented 8 years ago

@glen-84 yep, exactly what I had in mind too. An open source kitchen-sink app but covering several common scenarios like you mentioned (multiple screens, hierarchical, routing, form validation, authentication, etc)

An open source repo doubled by a series of blog posts would help I think to skyrocket the interest.

alsoicode commented 8 years ago

+1 For an example of hierarchical routing

On Thu, Apr 21, 2016, 3:33 PM opcodewriter wrote:

@glen-84 yep, exactly what I had in mind too. An open source kitchen-sink app but covering several common scenarios like you mentioned (multiple screens, hierarchical, routing, form validation, authentication, etc)

An open source repo doubled by a series of blog posts would help I think to skyrocket the interest.

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EisenbergEffect commented 8 years ago

So, there's an app I've been wanting to build (or rather re-imagine) for a very long time. It's not an LOB. It's related to tabletop gaming. It's an example of a very complex application. I've been thinking about building the application as open source.

It's a significant effort though. I don't think I could do it without financial compensation. So, here's what I'm wondering. Would people be interested in backing a Kickstarter? The Kickstarter wouldn't actually be primarily directed at Aurelia devs but at people who would want to use the gaming product. However, if it were open source, it could provide a tremendous learning resource for the Aurelia community. Also, I could create Kickstarter backer levels that included regular video code reviews and things like that for those who want a little more educational content.

There are lots of possibilities. I'm just throwing this out there because I'd love to build this particular app and I'm wondering if I could kill two birds with one stone...and wondering if the community would be interested in helping to fund something like this to be done in the open.

Frankly, if this sounded appealing, our core team could build a number of products, funded by Kickstarter, that we could later sell to average consumers, but make open source as learning resources. Open source is extremely expensive, so I'm always looking for new and interesting ways to sustain the project financially while enabling the team to do more and more for the community.

I'm just brainstorming. Let me know if you have any thoughts on this. Finding ways to produce more real-world example apps is important to us. I just thought...what if it wasn't an example at all? What if it was just a real, non-trivial product, created as open source? This could be a terrible idea but I thought I'd put it out there.

alsoicode commented 8 years ago

+1 from me

The more examples I can put in front of the people who I have to convince to let me use Aurelia, the better. I'm willing to chip in financially to help make that easier.

Everyone I show Aurelia to always says the same thing: "Wow. It's so simple." Then I show them what it can do, and their eyes light up, especially if they're coming from an Angular background and they see how much less code they have to write.

I'll buy a T-Shirt, stickers, mouse pad, books - anything to help.

On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 4:33 PM, Rob Eisenberg wrote:

So, there's an app I've been wanting to build (or rather re-imagine) for a very long time. It's not an LOB. It's related to tabletop gaming. It's an example of a very complex application. I've been thinking about building the application as open source.

It's a significant effort though. I don't think I could do it without financial compensation. So, here's what I'm wondering. Would people be interested in backing a Kickstarter? The Kickstarter wouldn't actually be primarily directed at Aurelia devs but at people who would want to use the gaming product. However, if it were open source, it could provide a tremendous learning resource for the Aurelia community. Also, I could create Kickstarter backer levels that included regular video code reviews and things like that for those who want a little more educational content.

There are lots of possibilities. I'm just throwing this out there because I'd love to build this particular app and I'm wondering if I could kill two birds with one stone...and wondering if the community would be interested in helping to fund something like this to be done in the open.

Frankly, if this sounded appealing, our core team could build a number of products, funded by Kickstarter, that we could later sell to average consumers, but make open source as learning resources. Open source is extremely expensive, so I'm always looking for new and interesting ways to sustain the project financially while enabling the team to do more and more for the community.

I'm just brainstorming. Let me know if you have any thoughts on this. Finding ways to produce more real-world example apps is important to us. I just thought...what if it wasn't an example at all. What if it was just an real, non-trivial product, created as open source?

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wshayes commented 8 years ago

Fantastic idea about the game/kickstarter/opensource Aurelia example. Also, we'd love more opportunities/approaches to send money your way. I'm eagerly awaiting the Aurelia Interface partially to be able to financially support Aurelia.

glen-84 commented 8 years ago

Frankly, if this sounded appealing, our core team could build a number of products, funded by Kickstarter, that we could later sell to average consumers, but make open source as learning resources.

I'd be interested in something like this (and most-likely willing to make a small personal contribution/donation), but more so for a LOB-style application, as these are more likely to cover the topics/aspects that will assist me in writing my own applications.

EisenbergEffect commented 8 years ago

@glen-84 I'd love to hear what you would most like to see, in terms of features for an LOB app.

glen-84 commented 8 years ago


@opcodewriter and I have already mentioned most of the important parts. To summarize, we're looking for a real-world application that demonstrates everything that Aurelia has to offer. We're looking for guidance and best practices in implementing more complex aspects of an application.

The skeleton-navigation application is very much contrived, and is not developed in a way that can easily scale (putting all views and view models in a single folder, for example). It shows just the basics of what is possible.

A reference/best practices application might showcase:

You might argue that most of this is covered in documentation or sample applications, but the key points are:

Some of the benefits:

Very few frameworks have done something like this, and I always miss it. I don't like having to "guess" best practices or intended usage, or pick from 5 or 10 different ways of doing something. Show me how you, as a contributor, would use your framework.

It could be a WordPress clone, or a StackOverflow clone, or a Discourse clone – the important part is having a larger application broken down into different sections/areas. These sections could even be installed as separate npm/jspm packages, but they should at least be separated in terms of folder structure, so that additional sections can be easily added.

I hope this helps, and keep up the great work with Aurelia. :+1:

johnmanko commented 8 years ago

@glen-84 Sounds like a great opportunity for you to provide something which benefits the community. The core team, afterall, is busy building a framework. ;)

glen-84 commented 8 years ago

@johnmanko The whole point is for this to be done by someone with a deep understanding of the framework. I also have a full-time job and not much free time. :disappointed:

gamefundas commented 8 years ago

For my team an Admin Template (sample website with all web components and examples throw in the mix) always has been a good kickstart for projects. They contain best practices and examples that helps developers understand the framework usage and start building the application much faster. Rubix helped us greatly when we piloted our ReactJs based project. Currently searching for Aurelia based Admin templates yields no results, purposely ignoring the lone on out there which has been inactive for over a year now.

I see a dozen developers getting ready to roll out their Admin/Website templates for Angular 2. Few have been released already.

fragsalat commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure if I can say the name but I'm on introducing Aurelia into my company with almost 10000 employees and around 1000 in tech. Because I'm preparing the paper for tech review I found this issue^^

Also I'm on migrating an app, which our team overtook, from Angular 1.4 to Aurelia. I'm in love with Aurelia since the first Alpha phase and really want to push it forward with that.

PS: It would be cool if you could review my document to introduce Aurelia and give suggestions how to improve:

thelgevold commented 8 years ago

I don't have an impressive Aurelia app to show, but I built a commenting component using Aurelia for my blog here:

The point of this is not to showcase a fancy UI (which this is not), but I think some of the bundling results might be interesting.

I tried to tweak the bundle sizes until I got to what I consider production grade sizes... The main bundle (aurelia.js) ended up at 85k after gzip. I think that is pretty good.

Granted I am only using data binding, templates and the fetch client, but still...

It's great that you can opt in to just what you need in order to reduce the footprint of the framework.

doktordirk commented 8 years ago

@fragsalat might add the awsome Aurelia Link Collection under the link sections for all those Blogs and resources

riddla commented 8 years ago

Chiming in here with some rough ideas and thoughts: I am frequently searching for code samples and mini application showing best practices regarding Aurelia. I know that @jdanyow and others are very helpful and often provide those kind of examples via But is there a kind of repository/collection of these links? As we all know, though the Gitter archives are indexed, the information there is hard to find in hindsight. I was always a fan of when I was working with Angular 1, a curated list of (runnable) examples and best practices. I also had the idea, that all the code snippets/samples that are shown in the official docs cheatsheet could be made available in a runnable format respectively via

AshleyGrant commented 8 years ago

@riddla if you check out the docs, you'll see that a lot of the samples are runnable:

riddla commented 8 years ago

@AshleyGrant: Oh, I see. But I find it often more convenient and better to learn from code that is presented "in context". Can't explain myself better, I can just easier look behind the code curtain and therefore debug and learn from something like (simple example).

riddla commented 8 years ago

PS: @AshleyGrant: @EisenbergEffect mentioned on that there is a documentation overhaul coming – do you know some details? Maybe there is something planned in terms of the code samples and snippets?

AshleyGrant commented 8 years ago

We have to strike a balance in the docs that gives runnable demos, but doesn't break the flow of the documentation itself.

As to the overhaul, I believe Rob mentioned something regarding this to me at some point recently, but I cannot remember what it was he said :-)

(I'm not trying to be cheeky, I really can't remember)

EisenbergEffect commented 8 years ago

Most of the work on the overhaul is not in new features, per se, but in transforming the docs architecture into a hub architecture for the community. Once this foundational work is done, it will be much easier for us to add the features that the community is asking for. So, think of it as an initial infrastructure upgrade that then allows us to do lots of cool stuff in the future, and to do that work more quickly as well.

riddla commented 8 years ago

@EisenbergEffect, thank you for the insights, it reads very promising. Do you think something like (Dash docset for Aurelia) will be easier in the future? Would love to help out there, when the right foundation is available.