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Official TypeScript definitions? #81

Closed BalassaMarton closed 8 years ago

BalassaMarton commented 9 years ago

Are you guys planning an official Aurelia repo for the .d.ts files? I know there will be definitions in DefinitelyTyped or whatever, but the fact is, even DT contains broken or outdated definitions, and having up to date, official definitions would be very comforting.

cmichaelgraham commented 9 years ago

@Alxandr @wardbell @EisenbergEffect - here's the PR :+1:

npelletm commented 9 years ago

Yes great job cmichaelgraham :), With documented typescript definition files development will be easiest. Give us the signal when it will be ready for aurelia-repos :)

nojaf commented 9 years ago

Yeah really light the beacons when this is ready. Can't wait.

RomainLanz commented 9 years ago

Nice one!

Thanks @cmichaelgraham

wardbell commented 9 years ago

"Shazam!!" indeed! Well played, sir.

laurentiustamate94 commented 8 years ago

Any news on this?

EisenbergEffect commented 8 years ago

We've had official d.ts files for a while now. When you jspm install or bower install an Aurelia library you automatically get them. They are part of every release and always up to date with the source. We have a new validation process we are putting in place right now which will ensure that they are more accurate going forward. New releases coming in the next day or two.

cmichaelgraham commented 8 years ago

they even have code comments in them :+1:

laurentiustamate94 commented 8 years ago

Sounds great, I thought that there were still news as the issue wasn't closed :+1:

ryanwischkaemper commented 8 years ago

@cmichaelgraham The d.ts files keep getting better and better, but I have to set up a gulp task to copy them to my typings folder (to keep project organized, among other things). Do you plan on publishing them to TSD?

EisenbergEffect commented 8 years ago

Can't you set up your project's tsconfig file to simply look inside jspm_packages?

ryanwischkaemper commented 8 years ago

@EisenbergEffect I could, but sometimes there are other .d.ts files within jspm_packages subdirectories that I don't want included. I've also had instances where, during an Aurelia version upgrade, folders of older versions were left behind which resulted in a handful duplicate .d.ts files. It's not a huge deal, because I needed to clean out those old folders anyway, but it would ease development for lots of us if we could use the defacto typescript definition file package manager.

That being said, I assumed publishing to TSD could be incorporated into your build tasks, but I double checked and apparently that's not yet possible

MihaMarkic commented 8 years ago

Same here. If I include jspm_packages all hell breaks loose - a ton of T2300 (duplicate identifier) are reported. It'd be nice to have the definitions in TSD repository so to include only relevant ones.

EisenbergEffect commented 8 years ago

Please have a look at our TypeScript skeleton to see how to configure things properly.

MihaMarkic commented 8 years ago

You mean the Typescript Kit from Getting started?

EisenbergEffect commented 8 years ago

No, I mean the official TypeScript navigation skeleton. It can be found here: But we will be moving all the skele variations into a single repo soon.

MihaMarkic commented 8 years ago

Aaaah, there are samples floating around, easy to get confused. Looks promising, will dig into, thanks.

masaeedu commented 8 years ago

@EisenbergEffect That link 404s now. Where do the skeletons live at the moment?

plwalters commented 8 years ago