Aurelia CLI OR JSPM OR Webpack AND Version
JSPM 0.16.55
TypeScript 3.6.3
Current behavior:
Executing the app and loading views with @useView('resources/panels/data-table-panel.html') works, but running a component test fails. Caused by 404 html-file not found.
By changing the path to @useView('src/resources/panels/data-table-panel.html') the component can be staged, which the leads to a 404 if the app gets started later by serving it with gulp.
I'm submitting a bug report
Please tell us about your environment:
Operating System: Linux (LinuxMint 19.2)
Node Version: 10.16.1
NPM Version: 6.9.0
Aurelia CLI OR JSPM OR Webpack AND Version JSPM 0.16.55
Browser: all
Language: TypeScript 3.6.3
Current behavior: Executing the app and loading views with @useView('resources/panels/data-table-panel.html') works, but running a component test fails. Caused by 404 html-file not found. By changing the path to @useView('src/resources/panels/data-table-panel.html') the component can be staged, which the leads to a 404 if the app gets started later by serving it with gulp.