aurelia / loader-webpack

An implementation of Aurelia's loader interface to enable webpack.
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Webpack Loader does not account for compose view being rendered from server #2

Closed Vheissu closed 8 years ago

Vheissu commented 8 years ago

I have a custom element which loads HTML from a server endpoint. In the standard es-2016 and TypeScript skeletons this functionality works fine. However, using the Webpack starter, specifically the loader, due to the way dependencies are resolved with a map, you can no longer do this.


    <compose view.bind="viewUrl" containerless></compose>


import {inject, bindable, containerless, customElement, TaskQueue} from 'aurelia-framework';
import {EventAggregator} from 'aurelia-event-aggregator';

@inject(TaskQueue, EventAggregator)
export class TopBar {
    @bindable router;

    ea: EventAggregator;
    taskQueue: TaskQueue;
    viewUrl = null;

    constructor(taskQueue, ea) {
        this.taskQueue = taskQueue;
        this.ea = ea;

        this.ea.subscribe('router:navigation:success', () => {

    updateViewUrl() {
        this.taskQueue.queueMicroTask(() => {
            this.viewUrl = `/Utility/TopBarTemplate?url=${window.location.href}`;

The offending part of the loader appears to be this:

function webpackContextResolve(req) {
    return map[req] || (function() { throw new Error("Cannot find module '" + req + "'.") }());

It assumes if it is not in the dependency map (and being a remote resource it would not be) then it should throw an error. This is completely different to how the standard loader handles these kind of things.

EisenbergEffect commented 8 years ago

@Vheissu Has this been addressed with the latest webpack setups?

Vheissu commented 8 years ago

@EisenbergEffect The issue is that Webpack can't work with dynamic imports. I actually wrote a solution using inlineViewStrategy which achieves dynamic loading without needing to define your imports upfront.