Error: Unable to find module with ID: @root/hello-world/hello-world.html
at WebpackLoader.eval (aurelia-loader-webpack.js?e63c:197)
at step (aurelia-loader-webpack.js?e63c:41)
at Object.eval [as next] (aurelia-loader-webpack.js?e63c:22)
at eval (aurelia-loader-webpack.js?e63c:16)
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at __awaiter (aurelia-loader-webpack.js?e63c:12)
at WebpackLoader._import (aurelia-loader-webpack.js?e63c:162)
at WebpackLoader.eval (aurelia-loader-webpack.js?e63c:262)
at step (aurelia-loader-webpack.js?e63c:41)
at Object.eval [as next] (aurelia-loader-webpack.js?e63c:22)
Expected/desired behavior:
When aliases are configured in webpack I expect the loader to include these trying to resolve the module.
What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?
Enable usage of aliases making paths in the require statement easier to maintain.
Load in TS and pass the class using viewResources decorator.
import { HelloWorldCustomElement } from '@root/hello-world/hello-world';
import { viewResources } from 'aurelia-templating';
export class App {}
I'm submitting a bug report
Please tell us about your environment:
Operating System: Windows [10]
Node Version: 10.15.1
NPM Version: 6.4.1
JSPM OR Webpack AND Version webpack 4.29.0
Browser: Chrome Version 72.0.3626.119 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Language: TypeScript 3.3.1
Current behavior: Require custom component does not work from template when using an alias/ts path.
Expected/desired behavior: When aliases are configured in webpack I expect the loader to include these trying to resolve the module.
Workaround Load in TS and pass the class using viewResources decorator.