aurelia / template-lint

Sanity check of Aurelia-flavor template HTML
Apache License 2.0
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ref tags are not identified and therefore the use of them may output incorrect warnings #119

Closed bondib closed 7 years ago

bondib commented 7 years ago

I get:

[19:05:10] WARNING: cannot find 'ddDashboardListButtonRef' in type 'Index' Ln 19 Col 21 /src/dashboard/index.html

for the following html:

`<button click.delegate="onDashboardListDDClick(ddDashboardListButtonRef.attributes['aria-expanded'].value)" id="ddDashboardList" ref="ddDashboardListButtonRef" type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">

                        <i if.bind="loadingSelectedDashboard" class="fa fa-refresh fa-spin"></i>
                        <span if.bind="(!currentSelectedDashboard || currentSelectedDashboard == null)">--------------------------------</span>
                        <span if.bind="currentSelectedDashboard">${}</span><i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i>

ddDashboardListButtonRef is mistakenly looked for in the ts file, but it shouldn't be there. It's a valid html element.

MeirionHughes commented 7 years ago

published to 0.9.9