aurelia / templating-resources

A standard set of behaviors, converters and other resources for use with the Aurelia templating library.
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binding behind if.binding still evaluated when if.binding removes the node #252

Closed 3cp closed 7 years ago

3cp commented 7 years ago

I'm submitting a bug report

Please tell us about your environment:

Current behavior: Other binding still evaluated when if binding is false, this cause error

Expected/desired behavior: Toggle the SVG line, when removing line from DOM, error appears in Chrome console Error: <line> attribute x1: Expected length, "null".

I tried to move the if binding to parent. like this

<svg width="100" height="100" if.bind="line">
    y2.bind="line.ey" stroke="black"></line>

But it does not help.

Not sure whether this is related to Aurelia's SVG implementation. So far, I only saw this on SVG.

3cp commented 7 years ago

Question on the ordering of custom attributes.

In knockoutjs, when I define a bindingHandler (similar to aurelia's custom attributes), I can specify the execution order relative to other bindingHandlers. I was expecting similar thing in aurelia but I could not find clear clue in the source code.

How does aurelia makes sure repeat.for/with.bind/if.bind happen before other bindings on the same node? Are all magic controlled by bindingContext and overrideContext?

jdanyow commented 7 years ago

we're working on a fix for the issue you've reported- tracking this here:

Repeat, with and if are called template controllers. They bind before other bindings. You cannot use multiple template controller attributes on the same dom element.

3cp commented 7 years ago

Thx. Maybe the document should be clear about not using repeat/if/with on same element.

I actually used repeat and if together on many occasions. By luck, they work without any problem, repeat binding is performed before if binding at least for now. This is a good default behaviour to keep, otherwise I will break the bindings to 2 levels for future proof.

jdanyow commented 7 years ago

Make sure you test in multiple browsers. Some sort the attributes alphabetically, some leave them as-is.

3cp commented 7 years ago

Thx. I fix my code to avoid undetermined behaviour. When you got time, please update doc to reflect this.

atsu85 commented 7 years ago


Maybe the document should be clear about not using repeat/if/with on same element.

There is actually even much better solution: use aurelia-template-lint to detect this issue and many more at build time.