aurelia / testing

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Unable to test components with sass imports in view #67

Closed andlebed closed 5 years ago

andlebed commented 7 years ago

I'm submitting a bug report

Please tell us about your environment:

Current behavior: I'm trying to test a component that requires SCSS in its view with Jest

<require from="./standard-button.scss"></require>

Test has a normal setup:

component = StageComponent

The test is started with

await component.create(bootstrap);

And fails with

 Failed: Failed loading required CSS file: resources/button/standard-button.scss

      at stackFormatter (node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/expectationResultFactory.js:30:20)
      at test/util/async-helper.js:7:12

However, I've found a workaround

import {TextHandler, ExtensionHandlers} from 'aurelia-loader-nodejs';

ExtensionHandlers['.scss'] = TextHandler;
ExtensionHandlers['.sass'] = TextHandler;

Expected/desired behavior:

Be able to test components with such imports

dweber019 commented 6 years ago

Have time same with jest.

stevies commented 5 years ago

Any update on plans for fixing this? The workaround appears to work. And you can add:

import {TextHandler, ExtensionHandlers} from 'aurelia-loader-nodejs';
ExtensionHandlers['.scss'] = TextHandler;
ExtensionHandlers['.sass'] = TextHandler;

to jest-pretest..js to set this up for every test. So not a big deal - but maybe it should be fixed so the work-around is not needed. Or is there a setting in Webpack/Jest that I have missed?

aminmsvi commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the workaround, It fixed that error. But now I get a new error Could not parse CSS stylesheet, but this one does not cause my tests to fail and they run successfully. Not sure if there is a problem with how I load .scss files using webpack or there is a problem in module itself. It would be great if someone could point me to the right direction since I am stuck with this error for a few days now and can not find a fix for it. Here is the stacktrace for this error. Stacktrace:

console.error node_modules\jsdom\lib\jsdom\virtual-console.js:29    Error: Could not parse CSS Stylesheet
    at Object.<anonymous>.exports.evaluateStylesheet ([Project Path]\node_modules\jsdom\lib\jsdom\living\helpers\stylesheets.js:18:21)
    at HTMLStyleElementImpl._attach ([Project Path]\node_modules\jsdom\lib\jsdom\living\nodes\HTMLStyleElement-impl.js:23:5)
    at HTMLHeadElementImpl.insertBefore ([Project Path]\node_modules\jsdom\lib\jsdom\living\nodes\Node-impl.js:230:22)
    at HTMLHeadElementImpl.appendChild ([Project Path]\node_modules\jsdom\lib\jsdom\living\nodes\Node-impl.js:328:17)
    at HTMLHeadElement.appendChild ([Project Path]\node_modules\jsdom\lib\jsdom\living\generated\Node.js:203:45)
    at HTMLHeadElement.proto.(anonymous function) [as appendChild] ([Project Path]\node_modules\aurelia-pal-nodejs\dist\nodejs-pal-builder.js:47:24)
    at NodeJsDom.injectStyles ([Project Path]\node_modules\aurelia-pal-nodejs\dist\nodejs-dom.js:83:25)
    at [Project Path]\node_modules\aurelia-templating-resources\dist\commonjs\css-resource.js:71:25
michaelw85 commented 5 years ago

Running into the same issue. Using the work around only replaced the initial error with the error mentioned by @aminmsvi. Seems like the text handler is not capable of handling the sass file correctly. Did anyone manage to really fix this issue?

michaelw85 commented 5 years ago

@aminmsvi @andlebed I added the following to my jest-pretest setup to get it working without throwing errors: (this will ignore the styling in jest)

ExtensionHandlers['.scss'] = (path) => new Promise((resolve) => resolve(path));
michaelw85 commented 5 years ago

Anyone stumbling upon this issue and looking for a solution please see:

TL&DR Install jest-transform-stub Add ".+\\.scss$": "jest-transform-stub"