aurelia / validatejs

Enables expressive validation using decorators and/or a fluent API.
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Ruleset test #56

Closed apawsey closed 8 years ago

apawsey commented 8 years ago

Ok I know this is probably totally in poor taste, or against some ethics of git which I'm not really aware of... so my apologies, this was just one of those things where I wanted to have a play, and it all just got away from me. At this point it's just to initiate discussion, feedback etc.

So the run down...

Like I said, this is just a big experiment for me. Pushing this as a PR is also not a good idea, but I didn't really know how to point anyone to my fork.

Oh and as @EisenbergEffect said he doesn't like inheritance, I doubt this will do anything to change hid mind :tired_face:

apawsey commented 8 years ago

Oh the samples have been updated with the new features as well. I removed the dist because it was a mess, sorry. But build with gulp watch and it should be all fine.

mbroadst commented 8 years ago

I think you'll do much better getting your point across if you remove the needlessly removed files. It's incredibly difficult to focus on what you're actually changing when I have to scroll through 70+ files that are just deletions 😄

apawsey commented 8 years ago

I agree entirely!!!, but you still end up with an huge file count because all of the dist files change as well. Best way to demonstrate this would be an actual demo, but not spending enough time doing this normally, I'm not sure if there's an easy way to put that together! I'm just not used to git and PR's etc, so I generally make a mess of them. Sorry any/everyone

I'm gonna do some research and see if I can put this together better.

mbroadst commented 8 years ago

@apawsey you can omit updating the dist files. You'd only need to do that if you wanted to "ship" the feature. Since you're just trying to show off the changes, simply don't include anything in dist as part of your commit.

apawsey commented 8 years ago

ok, good point. Next question is, do I just create a new commit, without the dists (and I assume a new PR), or is there a way to revise the commits I already have? (told you I'm not super big on working with git)

apawsey commented 8 years ago

see #58