aurelia / validation

A validation plugin for Aurelia.
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More informations in ValidationViewStrategy.updateElement #184

Closed hadrienl closed 8 years ago

hadrienl commented 8 years ago


I'd like more information in ValidationResultProperty object send to ValidationViewStrategy.updateElement to be able to customize my UI callback. Actually, I receive the failingRule which is cool, but I don't know what is the control which has been updated. I could retreive it by reading element.getAttribute('value.bind') but I'm not sure it will works everytime. Then event if I could find the control name, I don"t have any informations about the configuration of the falling rule. Bref : I'd like to know that MinimumLengthValidationRule has fail because the limit was 3 for this input. Maybe just a fallingRuleReasons which could be a Number or a Boolean.

plwalters commented 8 years ago

Thanks for submitting this / commenting on this. At this time we are closing this because we have completely re-written and are deprecating the previous feature set. If you feel this should be re-opened please feel free to review this blog post and submit either again on this repository, or on the new validatejs bridge repository

Thanks again!