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Update to Jekyll 4.x (kramdown) or move away? #71

Open aureliojargas opened 3 years ago

aureliojargas commented 3 years ago

I use redcarpet as the Markdown processor in my website:

Unfortunatelly, it is not supported anymore in Jekyll 4.x, so I would have to migrate to kramdown instead.

But kramdown has some drawbacks:

Note that I will also have to upgrade my local Ruby version, since macOS ship with an ancient one. brew install ruby solves it.

None of those is a deal breaker. It's just annoying to have this extra work because Jekyll keeps changing it's defaults and supported tools. It makes me wish for a different, stable tool. Also, the ruby/bundle setup always gets me puzzled. A python tool would be more familiar.

Also note that a year passed since 4.0.0 release (Aug 2019), but GitHub Pages still uses 3.x. Update in Oct 2022: three years have passed and it's still 3.x.

See also:


aureliojargas commented 3 years ago

See branch