Many test runners provide a way to generate a jUnit XML report from the test run. Some of them are py.test and nosetests, runners for python unittests.
jUnit XML are very useful in a CI environment like Jenkins since it is able to parse the XML and generate great visual report.
All that said, it should be very interesting to clitest have the ability of generating a jUnit XML report output, which will bring clitest to a next level for sure allowing it to be used on CI for documentations and also for actual CLI programs.
The schema definition for the jUnit XML report can be fount at [1].
Many test runners provide a way to generate a jUnit XML report from the test run. Some of them are py.test and nosetests, runners for python unittests.
jUnit XML are very useful in a CI environment like Jenkins since it is able to parse the XML and generate great visual report.
All that said, it should be very interesting to clitest have the ability of generating a jUnit XML report output, which will bring clitest to a next level for sure allowing it to be used on CI for documentations and also for actual CLI programs.
The schema definition for the jUnit XML report can be fount at [1].