auremoser / fellowship

[log] small repo to track tasks for my Mozilla Open News fellowship and manage them publicly
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[CONF] Prep talk for the Idelo Open Source Conf #16

Closed auremoser closed 10 years ago

auremoser commented 10 years ago

auremoser commented 10 years ago


Internews is an international non-profit organization whose mission is to empower local media worldwide to give people the news and information they need, the ability to connect, and the means to make their voices heard. We’ve worked in over 90 countries, so we have the local media knowledge to tailor training programs that will prepare journalists to mine data, identify patterns, and investigate the reasons behind these trends to cast a spotlight on development needs in their countries. Internews in Kenya has pioneered data journalism in Kenya through its data journalism fellowship, the Data Dredger, a data portal for Kenyan journalists and mentoring aspiring data journalists. These are some of our featured projects.

Presentation: Two open source Health News Apps namely: Unsafe Abortions Calculator (, Change for Health ( and a web-based geo-narrative platform for data and storytelling called Land Quest (

Internews has been particularly proactive at investigating health informations, and more recently, the toll of extractive industry on employment rates and environmental policy in Kenya.

Change for Health is an application that depicts the amount spent by each county on health. Just at a click, it helps county residents visualize the importance county leaders are giving to health and how healthcare spending, access to healthcare professionals and facilities compare to other counties.

Unsafe Abortions Calculator shows the number of unsafe abortions procured in Kenya by second, minute, hour or day. The data from which the applications were derived was scraped and packaged using open source tools.

Meant to illustrate or elucidate, inspired by? Why is open source important here?

Land Quest is an experiment in cross-border investigative journalism that uses geo-located data and stories to illustrate barriers to development in Kenya. Mapping development and private sector stories and data help people visualize the interplay between capitalism and altruism and its impact on wealth and inequality. The geo-narratives mapped alongside development projects and private industry underscore the relationship between people, data and the politics of development.

Technical aspects: value of opensource, of map/story embeds to give context and topography to stories