auriocus / VecTcl

Numeric array and linear algebra extension for Tcl
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complex128 compile error #9

Closed teclab-at closed 4 years ago

teclab-at commented 5 years ago

Based on the this commit: ac31bb75b214aa96097def3b26b41fc94340fc76

There are compile errors using the struct complex128. They can be fixed the following:

/vectcl/generic/vectcl.h, line 79 should be: NumArray_Complex Complex128;

external/vectcl/generic/vectclapi.c, three places should be: value.value.Complex128 instead of value.value.Complex

auriocus commented 5 years ago

vectcl.h is correct in the repo, but wrong in the template vectcl.tcl.h. It shouldn't normally be recreated from the template, but it is a bug indeed. vectclapi.c looks correct to me, though: Please check your checkout.

teclab-at commented 5 years ago

I did a fresh clone and I am on the latest commit ac31bb75b214aa96097def3b26b41fc94340fc76, still the bug is here.

auriocus commented 5 years ago

Please try again. It was still wrong in the template, and for some reason the template file must have been expanded in your case - probably the time stamps are not preserved correctly in the git checkout.

teclab-at commented 5 years ago

Now it compiles clean. Thx!