To test that Hippo is functioning correctly, implement the Heat Exchanger example on the preCICE website.
This is a much bigger job than we've previously run with Hippo, so it might be a good idea to implement a reduced form of the problem (something with fewer tubes!) or the Simplified Heat Exchanger example first. This will have a faster debugging cycle. Once that's working, we can be more confident about tackling the full problem.
An example set up in examples/heat_exchanger that runs the problem as described by preCICE.
Validation that Hippo's solution is consistent with preCICE's.
To test that Hippo is functioning correctly, implement the Heat Exchanger example on the preCICE website.
This is a much bigger job than we've previously run with Hippo, so it might be a good idea to implement a reduced form of the problem (something with fewer tubes!) or the Simplified Heat Exchanger example first. This will have a faster debugging cycle. Once that's working, we can be more confident about tackling the full problem.
that runs the problem as described by preCICE.