aurora-opensource / xviz

A protocol for real-time transfer and visualization of autonomy data
Apache License 2.0
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Create a way to reference a package directly from github #397

Open twojtasz opened 5 years ago

twojtasz commented 5 years ago

We should enable users to test pre-published packages.

twojtasz commented 5 years ago

Here are a few ideas bouncing around: Publish build packages to a separate repo

Publish Release (tgz) to github directly

Associated with some of this is that automated changelog generation which seems a worthy addition to help automate our releases even further.

I prefer the github published artifacts with a tgz link which works with npm over another repository, but still looking into it.

jlisee commented 5 years ago

Is the goal here to allow users instant issue resolution, for example the solution to #388 is complete, but our "monorepo" JavaScript projects cannot feed this need:

Not sure how I bump the version from commandline npm install @xviz/builder ? What version do I specify?

Because Yarn (yarnpkg/yarn#4725) and NPM (npm/npm#2974) + our build system do not allow users to install unreleased versions of our software.

So if we automate the release process it should make the process a lot faster but still not instant. That might in fact be enough, but I was envisioning something where we can very quickly use anything landed in master. Even having itself depend on a git based XVIZ version as needed between official releases.

Does the "release-it" system solve the noise issue? It would be awesome if we could feed bounces fixes between systems multiple times a week, but I don't think users want to wade through hundreds of releases.