aurora-watch-developers / AuroraWatchApp

Android app for AuroraWatch UK
GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 0 forks source link

Display a graph of the previous 24 hours' activity. #7

Closed hmcc closed 9 years ago

hmcc commented 9 years ago

This is available from

jmbillings commented 9 years ago

Is it worth downloading this in the background periodically so the most recent is available in the app even when no internet connection is available?

hmcc commented 9 years ago

Hmmm. Should we do this for all status information? i.e.

jmbillings commented 9 years ago

It might be nice... I personally get annoyed at apps where I load it up and it does zilch, just because I'm away from a connection. As long as it's possible to see how up-to-date you are (like the BBC Weather app, it has a little label saying how long ago it updated). If we do go ahead, we probably need another user-setting for whether to do background downloads over mobile networks or just wifi, which adds a touch of complexity, but not much...

jmbillings commented 9 years ago

I've added a basic implementation of the 24hr image now, will open a pull request in a moment