auryn-macmillan / DAOForum

Discussion on specifications and design of a forum for the DAO being created by
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Create ETHCongress #8

Open Legionof7 opened 8 years ago

Legionof7 commented 8 years ago

Allows for voting on proposals. This is the DEFAULT version so modifications will have to be made.

auryn-macmillan commented 8 years ago

Could you explain this concept a little more?

Are you referring to voting on proposals in the DAO? As this will be an internal function of the DAO and will be handled in the MIST browser. Although could be an interesting this to integrate into the forum at some point.

Or are you referring voting for proposals on this current DAOForum project?

Legionof7 commented 8 years ago

Yeah, this would be for later in the DAO.

auryn-macmillan commented 8 years ago

This may be putting the cart before the horse so to speak. I think short term, governance can be managed ad-hoc by those willing to get involved and contribute. Post DAO launch, the governance model should probably be DAO based if this is indeed to be a product supported by, and operated in benefit of, the DAO. For now, I'd say we leave discussions of governance until we have something to govern.

Legionof7 commented 8 years ago

That's true.

auryn-macmillan commented 8 years ago

Let's open it up as an issue just in case anyone else wants to weigh in on the issue.

auryn-macmillan commented 8 years ago

Made an issue: DAO Forum Governance #10

vmichalik commented 8 years ago

voting for proposals is a core function of the DAO and will be handled internally. I'm not sure I understand...

auryn-macmillan commented 8 years ago

@vmichalik: exactly, that was the reason for the distinction in my first reply. This project has nothing to do with the internal voting/governance mechanisms of the DAO. I think what @Legionof7 was getting at with this was the governance of the forum project.