Building on Issue #7, the revid upgrade process now entails upgrading binaries. Although it may still be possible to utilize the go build system without source code, a custom approach may be preferable.
For example, we could capture all of the AusOcean components that make up a revid release in a simple JSON file, e.g., {
"rv": "xxx",
"syncreboot": "yyy"
The upgrader would query the existing release to determine what, if any components need to be replaced.
Building on Issue #7, the revid upgrade process now entails upgrading binaries. Although it may still be possible to utilize the go build system without source code, a custom approach may be preferable.
For example, we could capture all of the AusOcean components that make up a revid release in a simple JSON file, e.g., {
The upgrader would query the existing release to determine what, if any components need to be replaced.