ausseabed / qax

Quality Assurance Tool for Multibeam Echosounder (MBES) data
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Proposal: QAX Grid Transformer to support non-GeoTIFFs (TIF files with TFW) #18

Open lachlanhurst opened 2 years ago

lachlanhurst commented 2 years ago

Teledyne CARIS works with TIFF files that include georeferencing information within a sidecar file (with a .tfw extension). QAX requires that TIFF files adhear to the GeoTIFF specification that embeds georeferencing information within the header off the TIF file.

This proposal will expand support so that the QAX Grid Transformer tool will accept TIF + TFW files as valid input, the same multi-band georeferenced GeoTIFF will be ouput.

giumas commented 2 years ago
