aussierobots / ublox_dgnss

This usb based ROS2 driver is focused on UBLOX Generation 9 UBX messaging, for a DGNSS rover. High precision data is available.
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Frame ID and data visualization #15

Open miguelao33 opened 11 months ago

miguelao33 commented 11 months ago

Hello guys,

sorry to place another idiot issue. :(

I have all nodes functioning and publishing on /fix topic. I also want to integrate it with nav_sat node from robot localization package, but it seems is not picking the data from the /fix topic. On my research, i cross with "mapviz" package and there, i was also unable to see the /fix messages from gps or from navsat message-types. I'm afraid that the used frame id "ubx" is not allowing me to do that, I dont now if i need to republish them, to make a transform to my base_link or any other possible solution.

If you were trying to use nav_sat from robot_localization, which steps will you follow? also, there's any other tool to allow me to see the publish data (as to see a test path, for example) ?

Thanks a lot!

hortovanyi commented 11 months ago

I think you may be coming across a QOS configuration issue. All output presently I believe is using the SensorQOSQuality of Service settings — ROS 2 Documentation: Iron documentationdocs.ros.orgHave a look at thisExternal configurability of QoS It might be that the packages you are using are still using the ros1 qos profile defaults?If you have a very accurate position why do you need robot_localization?

gsokoll commented 11 months ago

You can visualise the /fix messages using Foxglove Studio.

miguelao33 commented 11 months ago


yeap, foxflove studio is showing from the robot to my computer, it must be something with the navigation2..

Well, as the outdoor feel will be problematic, I need to fuse Imu and GNSS. Also, I'll have 2 platforms, 1 that just follow waypoints and other that also navigate (I'll include lidar soon) and I'd like to use the planners from nav2. Also, some day it will be more than 1 robot, so I want all be below the same structure nav2 provides (tasks, etc.)

I'll continue and if tell u guys if I run into another crossroad. Take care, and thanks again!

alistair-english commented 11 months ago

I'm afraid that the used frame id "ubx" is not allowing me to do that, I dont now if i need to republish them, to make a transform to my base_link or any other possible solution.

Hi @miguelao33 - just picking up on this, you do need to define a transform from the ubx frame back to base_link or some other frame on your robot (e.g. via URDF or a static publisher).

Alternatively, you can use the FRAME_ID parameter to change the frame that the ublox node publishes messages in.