austin----- / weibo.emacs

Sina weibo client in Emacs
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I want let the cache in memory #4

Closed roowe closed 12 years ago

roowe commented 12 years ago

I want let "~/" in "/tmp/",but when I del the "~/", and I modfiy the path, I will must get pin number again. and I find it not work in "/tmp/"

austin----- commented 12 years ago

Hi Roowe, you need to have your token file in a directory that is persistent. Let's say you have it as ~/ In your .emacs file, add:

(defadvice weibo-get-token-file (after weibo-alternative-token-file activate) (setq ad-return-value "~/"))

You can then set weibo-directory to whatever you favor (/tmp/ is ok).